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A gossipy tongue is a dangerous thing
If its owner is evil at heart;
He can give whom he chooses full many a sting
That will woefully linger and smart.
But the gossipy tongue would be balked in its plan
For causing heart burning and tears
If it were not helped out by the misguided man
Who possesses two gossipy ears.

Oh, the gossipy ears are the ones that believe
the evil reports they are told;
The sly, subtle tales which they gladly receive
Would tarnish the purest gold.
The cruel, "They say" which goes floating about
Like a hidden foe, fostering fears,
Would lose all its force were it firmly shut out
By the man with the gossipy ears.

When the man with the gossipy tongue happens by
With his stories of evil and strife,
We surely should look him right square in the eye
And ask him his mission in life.
We ought to refuse him a chance to retail
The false, idle rumors he "hears";
He ought to be locked up somewhere in a jail
With the man with the gossipy ears.

Author Unknown