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At home it seems to be the rule,
Pa never has the "proper tool,"
Or knack to fix things. For the stunt
That stumps Ma, you'll have to hunt.

We scarce could open our front door,
It stuck so tight. An' Pa he swore
He'd buy a plane -- as big as life –
Ma fixed it with a carving knife.

One day our old clock wouldn't start,
Pa said he'd take it all apart
Sometime and fix the old machine.
Ma just soused the works in gasoline.

The bathtub drain got all stopped up.
Pa bailed the tub out with a cup.
He had a dreadful helpless look.
Ma cleaned it with a crochet hook.

So when my things get out of fix,
Do I ask Pa to fix them? Nix!
For Ma just grabs what's near at hand
And puts things right to beat the band!

Author Unknown