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Thank you for entering the Never Forget Main Page. What you will find here are all things that have happened within the past 100 years. We tend to think that we are a "civilized society" now, but when you look at what we as humans have done to each other, you see we're more "animal" than human.

The horrors of the Holocaust began when Hitler opened Dachau in 1933. The torture and exterminination of over 6 million Jews started then, and it didn't stop until 1945. Why? Simply because people who happened to be Jews by birth or religious persuasion were hated by Hitler. To think of it...over 6 MILLION people lost their lives, simply because they were Jews!

Bloody Sunday happened on March 7, 1965, when a group of blacks planned a peaceful march from Selma, Alabama to the state capitol in Mongomery, Alabama for voting rights. When these folks came to the bridge that separated Selma from Montgomery, they were met by State Police who told them to turn around...they were not permitted to cross the bridge. However, these marchers were on a mission, and kept walking. The State Police met them with billy clubs, tear gas, and anything else they could get ahold of. Why? Simply because Blacks wanted what the Civil War gave them...the right to freedom and all that goes with it. They wanted the right to vote, that's all. This was the start of the Civil Rights Movement when Blacks started fighting for their rights...the rights many died to give them.

The Siege of Wounded Knee began on February 27, 1973 when the American Indian Movement joined the Lakota Tribe for freedom. The Native Americans were here long before the "White Man", but the White Man decided to strip them of their land, and put them on Reservations. For a 72 day period these people breathed free...until the US Government said they couldn't do that. State Police and Military Forces came to literally break the backs of these peaceful people. Why? Simply because of the color of their skin, and their race.

On the morning of April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh decided to bomb the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK. A total of 168 people died in this bombing. Why? Simply because McVeigh had a hatred for the US Government. What a sick way to show hatred for this country!

April 20, 1999 is a day that the students and folks of Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado will never forget. On that day, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire on their fellow students. By the time it was over, 12 students and one faculty member lay dead, and Harris and Klebold killed themselves as well. Why did this happen? We will never know, since the 2 shooters committed suicide. Many people have speculated on the "why", but no one will ever know for sure.

The world changed forever on September 11, 2001 when 4 planes were hijacked. 2 of those planes hit the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon, and one hit the ground outside of Pittsburgh, PA. As a result, 2948 have been confirmed dead, 24 have been reported dead, 24 have been reported missing for a grand total of 2996 people either dead or missing. Why did this happen? Simply because we are Americans! For so long, we have lived in a cocoon, thinking nothing could ever happen here. And on that day, our naivete died. We knew that we were just as vulnerable as anyone else.

As you look at the photos from these tragedies, may you NEVER FORGET! Thanks for coming. I hope you have somehow been touched, and that you change after viewing this site. If you would like to contact me, please do so. Just email me by clicking on the word EMAIL. :-)

Glenda Lou's Slice of Life