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God writes with a pen that never blots,
Speaks with a tongue that never slips,
and acts with a hand that never fails.

God can heal a broken heart,
but he has to have all the pieces.

God has a history of using the insignificant
to accomplish the impossible.

God never asks about our ability
or inability –
just our availability.

Without God, the world would be
a maze without a clue.

Many millions search for God and
find Him in their hearts.

Sometimes God calms the storm;
sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.

God always gives His best to those
who leave the choice with Him.

When God measures a man,
He puts the tape around
the heart instead of the head.

God does not wish us to remember
what he is willing to forget.

God has two dwellings –
one in heaven and the other
in a grateful heart.

God is more interested in making
us what He wants us to be,
than in giving us what
we think we ought to have.

The man who walks with God
always knows in what direction he is going.

In order to receive the direction from God
you must be able to receive
the correction from God.

The measure of a man is not how great
his faith is but how great his love is.

To forgive is to set a prisoner free
and discover the prisoner was YOU.

Let us so live that when we die,
even the undertaker will be sorry.

You can preach a better sermon
with your life than with your lips.

Christianity is a religion of paradoxes:
The way up is down;
the way to get is to give;
the way to be first is to be last;
and the way to live is to die.

Most people wish to serve God –
but only in an advisory capacity.

Christianity helps us to face the music
even when we don't like the tune.

A Christian....
is a mind through
which Christ thinks,
is a heart through
which Christ lives.
is a voice through
which Christ speaks,
is a hand through
which Christ helps.

Most men forget God all day
and ask Him to remember them at night.

Author Unknown

NOTE: This poem is courtesy of Christina from Friendships Crossroads Webring. Thanks, Christina!