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"Ready for Christmas," she said with a sigh,
As she gave a last touch to the gifts piled high.
Then wearily sat for a moment and read
Till soon, very soon, she was nodding her head.

Then quietly spoke a voice in her dream!
"Ready for Christmas! What do you mean?
When only last week
You wouldn't acknowledge your friend on the street."

"Ready for Christmas, while holding a grudge!
Perhaps you better let God be the judge.
Why, how can the Christ child come and abide
In a heart that is selfish and filled with pride?"

"Ready for Christmas, when only today
A beggar came and you turned him away
Without even a smile to show that you cared!
So little he asked, he could have been spared."

Ready for Christmas! «:*´`³¤³´`*:»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»

"You've worked, it is true,
But just doing the things that you wanted to do."
"Ready for Christmas, your circle's too small.
Why, you are not ready for Christmas at all."

I awoke with a start, and a cry of despair,
There's so little time, and I've still to prepare!
"Oh, Father, forgive me, I see what you mean;
To be ready means more than a house swept clean."

"Yes, more than the giving of gifts and a tree,
It's the heart swept clean that He wants to see,
A heart that is free from bitterness and sin,
Ready for Christmas means ready for Him!"

Author Unknown

NOTE: This poem is courtesy of Christina from Friendships Crossroads Webring. Thanks, Christina!