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If there was ever a person who felt that they were "destined" to be heavy, it was me. Told at the age of 22 that I had a pituitary tumor, and would always be heavy because of it, I settled down to "accept" the fact that I was always going to be obese.


Here I am, almost at my heaviest. I rattled the scales at a whopping 400 lbs! You read that right...400 lbs!

I figured that I had nothing to lose but the weight, so I went for Gastric Bypass Surgery in October 2003. While on the Operating Room Table, my liver was found to be in extremely bad condition, so I was simply given a liver biopsy and sent home.

I was then at my heaviest...400 lbs. And I knew that, if something didn't happen, I would become a statistic...just another number of yet another morbidly obese person who died too young (I was only 48).

Through the winter and spring of 2004, I just basically vegetated. I didn't leave my apartment much. I had others do my shopping for me, and only went to get my mail and visit with my neighbors. I didn't leave the building. This is a picture of my Dad and I taken in May.

Then during the summer, I decided to (once again) try the online personals, using Well, I found someone who, after reading his profile, I knew I had to know better. I made that first contact, knowing the chances were "slim" to none that he would be interested in someone like me.

I was struck with his Godly character, and he was struck with the fact that I was a woman of faith. We met and became engaged. I simply couldn't believe someone could love someone as "ugly" and obese as I was!

Here I am on my wedding day...already having lost 60 lbs! I was now at 340...and heading south! :-)

My husband has taught me so much! I never knew how to read a nutrition label, but now am VERY aware of the caloric intake each day. We have established a Godly home where we have put God in total control...and have asked God to take control of my weight and health. And God has been doing incredible things!

As I write this, I am now at 277 lbs! I've lost 123 lbs. since my journey began, and I am looking forward to finishing the race at around 130! And I simply KNOW I can do it...because God is in control!

There are 2 things I like to tell people when they ask about my weight loss. First, when you put God in control, and seek His help, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! And I mean ANYTHING! And secondly, you have to MOVE! I have severe osteoarthritis in both knees (they've collapsed and I'm walking bone-on-bone), but it's still important to do whatever you can to get that heart rate up and burn those calories! I started with walking with my walker. I'm now swimming at the local YMCA each day. I highly recommend's the only time your joints will be totally weightless. But GET OUT THERE AND MOVE!


Please keep checking back, since I will be updating the pictures and keeping you up-to-date with my weight loss. AND JOIN ME!


As of this writing, I'm now at 260! Another 17 lbs. have bit the dust! I'm now sitting on 140 lbs. lost, and feel that ANYTHING is possible now. :-)

Update! As of today, March 19, 2005, I have hit the 250 lb. mark! That's a grand total of 150 lbs. lost so far! Only 120 to go...and if I can lose 150, I can certainly hang in there for another 120! YES!!!!!!!!

UPDATE! As of today, July 21, 2005 I am at my newest low...215! I have to be honest with you and tell you that I hit a bump in the road, and went from 243 back up to 255. But I've worked off that weight, and I'm back on track once again. I'm sorry that I don't have any updated photos at this time, but as soon as I can, I'll be posting new ones.

I have discovered a whole new world out that I was painfully aware of, but couldn't enter. Now I can! I've ordered from Victoria's Secret (did THAT feel good!), and everything FITS! I've joined the local YMCA and am up to 10 laps a day now! I still highly recommend does wonders for arthritic joints! :-) I've also discovered that life is a wonderful thing...and should be lived with all the gusto you can! I've got a lot of catching up to do, since I was in "exile" for such a long time, but I'm out of "exile" now, and enjoying life more than ever. Please join me! Get out of that chair, get off that bed and MOVE! Start simply with easy exercises, but MOVE! And I'll enjoy hearing that you've made it from obese to "slim and trim" too!

Background courtesy of

This page was created on January 12, 2005. I will update as necessary. Updated February 19, 2005. Uodated March 19, 2005. Updated July 21, 2005.