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I'd like to showcase the wonderful dogs I've had through the years. Each one has been a special part of my life...and I owe a great deal to each of them.

This is Dutchess, or Dutchy as she was called. She is the first dog I remember. We got her as a puppy in 1959 and had her until July 1973. She was dressed up in doll clothes, pushed in a baby buggy, and taught how to climb a ladder. She gave her all to the family she loved!

Snuggles, or Snuggs as we called him, came to us on my parents' 25th wedding anniversary in 1973 as a puppy. He was 99 percent human, one percent dog. His main rule was...if it moves, it's to be played with. He played with everything from apples from our apple tree to croquet balls. He died of cancer in 1981.
Snuggs shortly before he died. He had grown into a lovely Peek-a-poo.

Tri was our first "shelter dog". He had been abused and dumped. We took him into our lives and home in 1981. He was my "BABY" and I loved him dearly. I was the only person in the family he "talked" to. It broke my heart when we had to "put him down" in 1994.
Tri under "his" Christmas tree. He did this every year. He'd make a "nest" out of the sheet and stay there all evening!

Buddy is our last dog. He was another "shelter dog"...a pure-bred Llasa Apso. He was 2 years old when we got him in 1996, and he was aggressive, but a real sweetheart. He was a VERY special little guy...and he will live forever in our hearts. He had a heart attack in February, 1999, and went into congestive heart failure. We had to have him "put down" in October 1999. He rests with our other loyal friends in the backyard.
This is my favorite picture of Buddy. I carry it in my wallet all the time.

I hope you have enjoyed looking at the loyal friends who made my life joyful by just loving me unconditionally. It is my firm belief that if people were more like dogs, the world would be a much better place!
