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My Friends Online and Offline

These are my friends both online and offline. I'd like to share them with you.

Kimberly Maneval, my friend from upstate PA. We finally met in November, 2001.

Lisa Hoover. Lisa is not only a friend, but she's family. She came into the family through adoption (as a second cousin), and it's been a thrill to watch this lovely young woman, wife, and mother of 3 sons, grow up. I'm proud of you, girl!

Beth and Mark Karol. Beth and I were childhood penpals, and lost touch with each other. After I went online, I started searching for her, and finally found her again. Now we email each other, and it's just like "old times". Here's to a friendship of over (ahem) 35 years. :-)

Dot Ammon and her "Main Squeeze" Nick. Dot calls me her "Lil Nut"! Dot's like a "surrogate mother" to me. After we got to know each other, I found out that she's the great-aunt of Jen, one of my 2 bestest friends! Small world! :-) Unfortunately, Nick passed away on April 2, 2004.

My good buddy Kayla Cearley, in her graduation garb, 2002. Kayla's "special" to me. Some day I'm going to go to Georgia just to meet her. :-)

My friends Elaine and Russ. Elaine is from Harrisburg, PA (my state capitol), and found love on the Internet with Russ from the UK. They now make their home in the UK. The story of how Elaine and I met is a very odd one...probably something for "Ripley's Believe It Or Not", but a friendship has blossomed. I'm PROUD to call you my friend! :-)

Elaine and Russ became husband and wife on May 15, 2004. Elaine, it's been a tough road for you, but I sure am glad you finally found love...and happiness! :-)

My special friends, Calvin and Vonnie Davis, on their wedding day, May 2, 2003. Calvin and I met about a year and a half ago. He's a precious friend, and my writing mentor. Vonnie entered my life through Calvin, and a very strong bond was formed even BEFORE we met. She's my "Big Sis", and I love her deeply. This is what Internet friendships are all about. :-)

Marian Jones. Another friend from "Jolly Ole England". Marian and I met throught the Friendships Crossroads Webring, and have been emailing each other ever since. Marian is a delight to know. :-)

Mindy Sayer. I met Mindy through the Friendships Crossroads Webring, and now we're email buddies. :-) Matter of fact, I now call her "Mindy-Mom". :-)

Mickie Anne (aka Sassy)is my newest friend. I have found a wonderful group, Garden of Friendship and Sassy is one of the members. I'm so glad that God led me to this wonderful group of friends. Care to join us? :-)

A sister in Christ, Trude Hissong. Trude and I actually met as children, although she can't remember that. I also know her brother, who I thought was a big pain (that's how long ago we that stage where ALL boys are pains LOL). Several years ago, our paths crossed again online, and we've been email buddies ever since. :-)

I hope you enjoyed seeing my friends. Stop by from time to time, as more may be added!

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Updated 06-04-2005
