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Note to ANTI-Hanson's!

Ok! I am not gonna sit here and right how you all suck cuz you hate Hanson! What I am going to say is that when u saw the title "Ambz.'s Hanson Dreamz" what did you think... this is an anti-Hanson page... I think NOT! U knew D@MN well this was a HANSON FAN SITE but u came here ANYWAYS! And then you sign my book and make fun of Hanson~ Ummm.. NO! Ok I don't tolerate that crap~ there will be NO anti-hanson messages in my guestbooks! And I will SEE to that! So umm... my motto is~ stay out of fan pages and I will stay out of anti pages~ get it? Got it? GOOD!!!!!

Thanx and have a peachy day =0)
