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If you would like to receive the prestigious Harold Purplecrayon Award for your website, all you have to do is ask. Just email me your URL, type "hpaward" in the subject line, and let me know how you happened upon my site. I'll send you the graphic & the URL I want you to link it to. In exchange, I'll put a link to your site on this page. Click here to find out about my other award, the "WOW! This Site Is SO COOL!" award.

OK, I admit there's no real significance to this award, but as more people get it, all of us involved will possibly get a few more hits to our websites.

Here they are. The deserving recipients of the "Harold Purplecrayon Award". The most recent will always be at the top of the list.

20.) HDW Enterprises & Foothill Feline Bengals

19.) Taffy's Horses

18.) Cigarette Packages Collector

17.) Katerina's Playground

16.) Bullz Realm

15.) Belly Pleasers Cookbook

14.) Sales Creators

13.) Spunky's Spot

12.) Skorpz Domain

11.) Pilot's Web

10.) Sten Lassen, Home of Smile

9.) Naptown Nomad's Homepage

8.) Katie's Star Trek Site

7.) Link to the Great Spirits

6.) Looking For Someone? Find Them Here!

5.) The Order of the Skidoo

4.) Shannon's Place

3.) Total Image Artwork & Graphic Design

2.) Lux_ry's Loft

1.) The Dabble Diner

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