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Photo Album

Here I am.

This is my wife, Dawn, & me on 9/29/90, then again in Summer '96.

Here are our kids, Randy is 7 & Janie is 4 1/2. (These 3 pics were taken in 01/00)
Click here to see some of Randy's artwork.

Here are the kids & I in Summer '97 with a makeshift paper rocket.

Here's Cootie Bug on the left. She's the lazy one. Scruffy's on the right. He's real friendly. The kids love him.

The Lotus is what I might be driving, had I applied myself in school. The Mustang is a more realistic dream. Yes, They have to be yellow!

Here's my new baby. A '99 Ford Ranger XLT. I couldn't afford to get all the goodies I'd like to have, but I did get a V-6 & A/C. The scan doesn't do the color justice. Its called Autumn Orange or Bright Amber.

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