Avery's Virtual Photo Album
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Hope you enjoy these photos of the sweetest dog in the world.

He is about 8 weeks old in these few pictures. All fuzzy and cute!

He LOVED this stuffed lamb!

Here he is on the sofa with his daddy, a place where he is no longer allowed. He has accepted it well.

What a face!

With a coat like his, it was no wonder that he just loves to play in the snow.

Avery's first summer...1997. What a splash!

At first he thought it was just a great big water bowl, so we had actually put his front paws in and then he got the hang of it. Nothing's too good for our baby. We don't even have a pool, but the dog does...something's not right here....*LOL*

Avery and I on his 1st birthday. You can't see it too good in this photo, but he was wearing an Elmo & Cookie Monster party hat. Can you tell that I'm trying to hold him still so John can snap the picture because all he wants to do is get that hat off?!

John and Avery also on Avery's 1st birthday. Same thing going on...trying to hold the dog still for a crazy picture.

These next few pictures are the most recent. They are not the best quality because they were taken with a Polaroid camera, but I wanted you to see how my doggie boy looks all grown up.

He is chewing on one of his favorite bones in this one.

Daddy's giving him bunny ears....*LOL*

Well,that's it for now. I will be sure to add more pictures as I get them developed. (I'm bad about that). Please visit often and be sure to check out Avery's favorite links and leave your paw print in his guestbook. Thanks for stopping by.....

By the way, in case you didn't notice, the midi playing is none other than "Puppy Love."

Avery's Favorite Links

Golden Retriever Club of America
Golden Retrievers in Cyber Space

Ring of Dog Lovers
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Thanks to Sheryl's Original Graphics for the adorable dog graphics. Please DO NOT remove these graphics from this page! Visit Sheryl's site to find out how to obtain graphics for your own personal web page. Thank you.

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