Christian Liberty
We have found in other's studies that our salvation rests in God's hands. He does not sit on his throne waiting and wondering if we will make it to Heaven's gates. We cannot truely lose our salvation because God is not at the mercy of our will. We can be back-slidden, but God makes provision for these times.
Blessed Assurance But this brings us to the issue of our christian liberty. Paul speaks about this in some strong terms.We read in I Cor.8 that it isn't so much the issue of eating meat that was sacrificed to gods,{ Idols} as it was an issue of not offending. Eating that meat in itself was not a sin as Paul points out, but he recognizes that there are some christians, perhaps weaker, or new in the faith that would see this as sin.
It is a matter of conscience. He points the finger at those more"enlightened" believers, admonishing them to not crush their weaker brethren under the foot of christian liberty. He goes on to say verse 3
that we are bound by love-the love of God. We are not to be a stumbling block before our sisters&brothers in the faith.We ar not to scoff at them for being weaker. We are to understand that God brings us along each in our own time/His time.
In another passage Paul points out that our liberty is judged by another's conscience and we should not flare at this with hauty indignation. I Cor. 10:29-30 We are sinning when we put a stumbling block before another. Lev.19:14,Is.57:14,Ezek.3:20,Rom.11:9,14:13,Rom.14:14-24,I Tim:4:1-5
and lessons from Paul A Person Named Paul, To Live Like Stephen,It's Not About Us!,Christian Liberty,When Differences Cause Strife