Chapter Four

When Isaac told me I would hear from him soon, I didn't realize how soon he meant. He called me the next day and I could hear the smile in his voice. He asked what was up and I told him the truth, absolutely nothing. Then he invited me somewhere. He didn't say where I was meeting him and I was a little apprehensive about that. After a half hour of deep thought, I looked over the directions and decided to go. What did I have to lose?

I decided that since I didn't know exactly where I was going or what we would be doing, I would try to look as nice as possible without looking too dressy. I grabbed my long black cargo skirt and black boots and left on my light blue sweater. Regardless of our location, it was still fairly chilly and rainy that day.

I hopped in my car and drove almost fifteen minutes until I found the large brick building that he had sent me to. I looked around and he wasn't standing outside so I parked the car and walked slowly to the entrance. Nervously, I pushed open the large glass doors and walked inside. I didn't get very far until a fairly large man with dark hair stopped me.

"Excuse me, can I help you?"

"I'm looking for Isaac." I muttered and then realized how stupid that sounded. This guy was obviously bodyguard of somekind and was never going to let me in now.


I paused. "Mine? Oh. Adora Lane."

He nodded and smiled. "Hi, just take that elevator over there to the fourth floor and it's the third door on your left. You can go right in."

"Ok. Thanks." I nodded and left for the elevator. I still had no idea where I was or what I was doing there. It definitely wasn't a hotel, that was for sure. Unless it was some kind of underground ghetto hotel with bodyguards positioned at the door. Great. I'm going to die, I thought as I found the third door on the left.

Slowly, and cautiously, I turned the nob and pushed the door open. I don't know if I expected to have somebody jump out and murder me, but I'm sure that's the mood I gave off when I walked in.

The first thing I saw was a girl who looked a little younger than me sitting in a chair with her legs crossed. Then I noticed was the huge board with a billion buttons. Then, beyond the board, was a seperate room complete with all three Hanson's behind a microphone. I was in the recording studio. Isaac invited me to the recording studio.

A man with a thick brown mustache walked over and held out his hand. I shook it and smiled. He introduced himself as Walker, Isaac's father, and he was so glad to meet me. Apparently this was a rare occasion to have guests in the studio but he agreed after much begging and pleading. I laughed at that. He was extremely friendly and it was obvious where Isaac got his charm.

I glanced into the room where Isaac was standing, behind the thick piece of glass, and he smiled and waved to me. I smiled and sat down in a chair next to the girl who had yet to speak.

The minute my butt hit the chair, she turned to me. "Hi, are you Isaac's girlfriend?"

"No. I'm his friend. I think. Adora." I held out my hand and she shook it in response.

"Megan. I'm here to see Zac. I haven't seen him since the last time they were home."

"You live in..."

"Tulsa." She looked at me like I had lobsters growing out of my ears.

"Right. I forgot where they lived. Sorry."

She laughed. "No problem."

I noticed how pretty the girl was. She had long, dark hair and pretty brown eyes. She looked like the girlfriend of a celebrity and I wondered if "seeing Zac" meant really "seeing Zac". "So you and Zac are friends?"

"Yeah. We go way back." She looked over at him and sat on her hands. She looked as if she was almost nervous to see him. "I haven't gotten to talk to him yet. I just got here from the airport. I don't even think he's seen me yet."

"I'm sure he's just busy." I smiled. I was trying my hardest not to judge Megan. Taking Isaac's words to heard about judging the pretty people before I got to know them, I realized how genuinely nice she seemed.

As if cued by our conversation, Zac suddenly looked up from the music he was reading and looked through the window. His eyes widened and he ran out of the room. Katie stood up, smiling, and Zac lifted her off the floor in a huge hug. "MEG!" He shouted. "Nobody told me you were coming!"

"I know." She grinned.

"I'm taking a break, Dad." Zac demanded and Walker laughed.

"That's ok. We have to do Taylor's vocals now anyway."

My heart jumped. That meant Isaac would be coming out.

"Wait, Isaac, then Taylor."

Damn. No wait, why was I feeling that way? I shivered and watched Zac and Megan. They had an obvious commical relationship as Megan sat down on her chair and Zac instantly sat down on top of her, cradling his legs over the right side of the chair.

I laughed. "Hi, Zac."

"Hey, Adora. Sup?" He jumped up, after noticing the mumbling, 'I'm being crushed', noises that Megan was making.

He quickly turned his attention back to her, grabbing her hands and pulling her up to him. He towered over her. Then again, he towered over everybody it seemed. "Wanna go find food?"


Walker spoke up from the corner of the studio. "No getting into trouble, you two."

They nodded and left.

Walker smiled at me. "Last time they were together, they got kicked out of a mall. Three times."

"Three malls?"

"No, same one."

I laughed. "Admirable."

Walker laughed back and nodded to Isaac. "Alright, Ike, we'll do Taylor first. You can go hang out with Adora."

"Cool!" Isaac's voice came through the speaker and it was the first time she'd heard him since he called on the phone. He casually came out of the room and gave me a quick hug. I nervously hugged him back. "What's up?"

"The world hasn't shifted course in the last hour, if that's what you mean."

He laughed and grabbed my hand. "Come on, I'll give you a tour."


He led me out of the studio and into the large hallway. "We don't use this place that often but it's nice. Ever been here before?"

"No, that would require me having a cool life." I joked and nudged him.

"So, you met Meg?"

"Yeah, she seems nice. She and Zac are really close?"

"Yeah." He nodded. "It's a little confusing though. Megan gets a little nervous around him lately and I think it's because she likes him. And I KNOW Zac likes her."

"So why don't they just get together? How long have they known eachother?"

"Ten years? Something like that. Ever since the lats time they saw eachother in Tulsa, there's been this weird energy between the two of them."

"Maybe they are a couple and you just don't know it?"

He shook his head. "Zac can be pretty secretive, but not about that. He told me he'd like to be with her. He just doesn't know how to initiate it."

"How about, hey Meg, wanna go out sometime?"

Isaac laughed. "Yeah, that always works. They're really perfect for eachother. They have the same sense of humor and the same taste in everything. I think it's just that they've been friends for so long, the change in feelings is a little akward."

"Understandable. Not that I would know anything about relationships. I like to think that I do though." I laughed. It was true. I'd never had a boyfriend and I didn't see myself having one for a very long time. However, one thought that was always on my mind was how these ugly skanky people were always hooking up. What the hell was I doing wrong? I recalled the one episode of Seinfeld I'd ever seen when Jerry made a comment that 90 some percent of the population was undatable. So how were all these people getting together? Alcohol. Made sense to me.

Isaac looked over at me. "You ok?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You just kind of spaced out."

"I was just thinking about something."


I shook my head. "Trust me, you don't want to know." I laughed.

Isaac stopped where he was and I walked a few more steps before I realized he was no longer next to me. I stopped and turned around. He didn't say anything and I wondered what I had done wrong. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Ok." I walked back to him and he took a step forward. We were unbelievably close and I felt a little wave of nervousness rush over me.

He slowly took another step forward and took hold of my left hand. Then, he lightly placed his right hand on my cheek and I felt my arms cover with goosebumps as I shivered. I closed my eyes and I felt his lips brush against mine in a short, sweet kiss that to me, lasted forever. My first kiss. Then he backed away an inch and looked straight at me.

I opened my eyes and smiled. "So uhm, what was that question?"

Isaac laughed. "I forget."

"Hey, works for me." I shrugged and he held my hand again as we continued my tour of the building.

Adora Lane
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