Piper's First Ever Hanson Fanfiction Awards

THE WINNERS. Awards are being sent out soon.

Best Villian:

Gabi, from Carter

Best Zac:

The Tree Trilogy: Christmas 2000

Best Isaac:

The Only Way

Best Taylor:

Through It All

Funniest Story:

The Tree Trilogy: Christmas 2000

Saddest Story:

The Crying Game

Best Character who ISN'T a Hanson:


Zorianna from Through It All

Brynn from Hearts of Fate

Best BF/GF relationship:

Brynn and Taylor from Hearts of Fate

Zac and Michelle from The Only Way

Isaac and Byrd from The Only Way

Best Best Friends:

Nancy Seer and Diana Hanson in (pretty much forever) Unreal

Best Author of Multiple Stories:


Llama(an AMAZING writer)


Best Story:


Love Song

The Tree Trilogy: Christmas 2000


Email: PiperHalliwell17@hotmail.com