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Congrats to Brynn for being nominated over and over as Best Character who ISN'T a Hanson in my first ever fanfic awards! VOTE FOR HER!

... As M2M made their way to the back of Hanson's dressing room where Brynn and Holly were standing, Brynn noticed the vacant expression on her friend's face. "Holly, get a grip." She whispered, smiling ahead.

"I'm grippin... I'm good..." She stuttered. "Holy shit I'm gonna freak out."

Brynn laughed and rolled her eyes. "Hi." She offered when the two girls finally stood before them.

"Hey." Marion Raven smiled her huge, toothy smile.

"Isaac said you're friends of his." Marit Larsen continued.

Brynn nodded. "I'm Brynn. This is Holly." She poked Holly and she let out a high pitched, "Hello." Brynn laughed. "She's... shy."

Isaac came out of nowhere and dropped his arm onto Holly's shoulder. "Shy? Now that's funny. She's a huge fan."

Holly blushed wildly and gave Isaac a dirty look. Just what she needed, to look like a teenybopper in front of two of her favorite people in the world.

Marion nodded. "Don't worry about it. You know..." She paused and looked at Holly. "You look familiar. Have I met you before?"

Holly shook her head. "Not that I know of."

Isaac answered for her. "She was at the last concert. She was tiarra girl."

"Oh!" Marion laughed. "We were talking about you backstage. What does... Snoochie mean?" She asked, referring to the thick black word that had been written on Holly's arm in permanent marker.

"It's from a movie." Holly almost stuttered again.

Brynn rolled her eyes. "You guys did great at the Kirby Center concert." She almost lied. The truth was, M2M really wasn't her thing. Their music was too happy and upbeat for her. She really preferred Hanson because they knew how to rock.

"Thank you." Marit smiled. She appeared to be the quiet one.

Before they had a chance to converse any further, Walker came into the dressing room. He looked stressed. "Ok here's the deal. It turns out that you two won't be able to see the stage very well from the side. So if you want, we can squeeze you into the front row somewhere. They won't be official seats but..."

Brynn and Holly answered in unison. "That would be awesome! Thanks!"

Walker smiled. "I didn't think you'd have a problem with that." He looked at his watch. "Ok well, there's about 30 people outside waiting for meet and greets. I don't think it would be a good idea for Brynn and Holly to be hanging around while that happens."

Taylor grinned. "Well... what if they just stayed for the first one. They've never been to a meet and greet. They could just pretend they're with the crowd."

Walker shrugged. "Ok it works for me."

Marit and Marion each gave Holly and Brynn a hug and then left to get the stage set up for their set. Brynn and Holly followed them outside and pretended to be with the crowd of ten fans, dying to meet Hanson.

When they came inside, most of the fans turned pale and screamed when they saw Isaac, Taylor, and Zac standing in their dressing room. Brynn and Holly followed behind and waited until the rest of the fans had shaken hands and taken pictures. Then, it was their turn.

Brynn smiled and stepped up. "Hi." She shook Taylor's hand first and flashed him the best teenybopper smile she could manage. It really wasn't in her nature.

"Hi. I'm Taylor."

"Brynn." She smiled.

"Do you want a picture?"

Brynn looked around at all the fans who were watching. They noticed something familiar about her and Brynn knew that at least 7 of them had been standing outside of the bus when they had arrived. "I forgot my camera."

"Oh. Well... It was nice to meet you."

Brynn nodded and almost laughed when the girl behind her said, "How could a real fan forget a camera. I hate people who just claim to be fans so they can meet famous people." Then, Isaac looked straight at her, smiled, and she screamed bloody murder.

Brynn winced. "Geez girl. Take a freakin pill. He's a human being, he has eardrums just like everybody else and I'm sure he'd like to keep them."

The girl glared at her.

Walker couldn't help but laugh. Brynn and Holly were definitely making the tour more eventful. After that set of meet and greets Brynn and Holly decided to go into the theater and find their seats. It would still be an hour before the fans would start pouring in, but they were tired and wanted to sit.

Right before they left, Taylor grabbed Brynn's arm and pulled her to another room. He put his arms around her back and gave her a huge hug. "You're so amazing."

"I am?" She asked, hugging him back.

"Well yeah. And don't ask me why because I won't be able to answer."

Brynn laughed and for the first time took the first step and leaned forward to kiss him. Taylor kissed her back happily and then smiled. "I hope you guys enjoy the concert."

"We will." She paused. "Hey do you think you could do me a favor?"


"If you see Marit or Marion again before the show, could you ask them to say 'hi' to Holly during the concert? It would freak Holly out and it would make her day."

Taylor nodded. "Will do. You're a great friend to her."

"I try." Brynn gave him another quick kiss and went back into the hallway to find Holly.

It wasn't until an hour later that Brynn and Holly were faced with the biggest challenges of their lives. Standing in the front row with the most obnoxious three girls behind them. "My mom paid 300 dollars for these seats." One said to other. Then, they all looked at eachother and screamed.

Holly covered her ears and turned around. "THE SCREAMING WILL CEASE OR THE KILLING WILL COMMENCE!" She yelled at them and glared. Fortunately, that kept them quiet until the concert started. Brynn laughed and patted Holly on the shoulder. "You're such a people person."

"And you wonder why I have to bribe people with candy to make friends." She laughed.

Finally, the lights went dim and M2M ran onto the stage. They played three songs in which Marion waved to Holly several times. Holly sang along to all of them and even Brynn found herself clapping and singing. She'd listened to the cd so many times over the period that Holly was at her house. It was catchy, she had to admit it... but it was still M2M.

The music stopped and the audience screamed. Then, Marit stood up and said, "Hey everybody, we wanna say hi to one of our fans that we met today. Her name's Holly."

Marion waved. "HI HOLLY!"

Holly's jaw dropped and she smiled back, trying not to fall over. Then, knowing Brynn had something to do with that, she gave her a huge hug and thanked her.

The music continued for another 15 minutes and then M2M left the stage. Soon, but not soon enough, the shrill sound of the fans came back and Hanson was there. It was almost surreal to Brynn. She had spent the past few days with them, slept in Taylor's arms, but now she was in the front row at one of their concerts. It was totally different.

At some point during the show, the loud, chubby redhead behind them that Holly had threatened before, noticed that Taylor was staring in their direction. Unaware of his connection with Brynn, she screamed. "OH MY GOD! HE SMILED AT ME! OH MY GOD!"

Holly covered her ears and rolled her eyes. Brynn did the same. Then, when he smiled at them both, the girl screamed again. "TAYLOR! I WANT YOU TO HAVE MY BABY!"

Brynn cracked up at her stupidity and Holly, noticing that Taylor had heard her and that he was changing a beautiful shade of maroon, turned around for the second time to face the girl. She grabbed the glowstick out of her hand and waved it in her face. "SO HELP ME GOD if you scream ONE MORE FRICKING TIME I'LL SHOVE THIS GLOWSTICK SO FAR up your ASS your EYES will GLOW FOR A WEEK!"

The girl stared in fear and sat down in her seat.

Holly, overwhelmingly proud of herself turned around and smiled. Taylor almost laughed out the final verse of "A Song to Sing" and Brynn nodded. "I rest my case."

"So what? I'm scary. At least she stopped screaming."

After the concert was over, they pushed their way through the crowd of exiting fans, and made their way to the dressing room. Isaac threw his arms around Holly. "HI!"

Holly cringed. "Ew, Ike, you're all sweaty..."

Taylor smiled and looked at Brynn. She laughed. "I don't mind if you're sweaty."

He nodded and put his arms around her. "Good, because I was going to hug you anyway."

Taylor Hanson once again closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of her shampoo. She was the girl of his dreams and he was devastated that she would be leaving to go home in the morning. He vowed that if he had anything to do with it, she'd be with him for the rest of the tour.

Hearts of Fate
Brynn and Holly
Other Stories
My First FanFic Awards
