Chapter 16

Isaac, Taylor, Zac, Brynn, Holly, and Mackenzie sat around the large tourbus table playing a game of poker. It was Brynn and Holly's idea and since Mackie had no idea what poker was, he was "helping" Holly win. "You know," Holly grinned and put down three cards, waiting to get three more in return, "Last time we did this, Brynn ended up naked in my dining room."

"Ok, didn't need to know that." Isaac laughed and dealt out the cards.

"Ew!" Mackie waited for everybody to get their cards before he leaned inconspicuously to the left and glanced over Taylor's shoulder. Then he quietly whispered something into Holly's ear. She smiled and bet a dollar.

After another round of Holly winning. She sat back and grinned, very content. Brynn laughed and put her cards down. Then, she and Holly exchanged glances.

"Ok, what is going on?" Taylor looked back and forth between the two of them. "You guys have been laughing at nothing for the past two hours. Now Holly is kicking our butts and I have the feeling I'm missing out on a big joke."

Holly smiled and resting her chin on her hand. "Mackenzie, what cards did Taylor have last time?"

"Two jacks, a seven, a six, and a 5. I think he was going for a straight."

Taylor's jaw dropped. "Oh my god. You've corrupted my little brother!"

"I have not! I just taught him how to play poker!"

"And to cheat." Zac laughed. "Don't forget the cheating part."

"What can I say, he's a natural." Holly handed the cards to Brynn and she began to shuffle them. "Don't worry, we're just playing for fake money. So you don't really have to worry about me kicking your butt. Which, I am, by the way."

Zac laughed and smiled at Holly. The bus slowed to a stop and Walker yelled for everybody who had to go to the bathroom or get food to do it now. Holly jumped up. "Ok, deal me out of this one."

Zac stood up in front of her and grinned and Taylor and Brynn. "Ditto. We'll be back." Holly grabbed hold of the back pocket of his baggy cargo pants and followed him out of the bus.

Isaac sat silently for a while before looking up at Taylor. "Ok, what just happened here?"


"That!" He smacked his hand onto the table. "The smiling and the... touching. What was all that about?"

Brynn blinked and looked at Taylor. Then she sighed. "You don't know, do you?"

"Know what?"

Mackie folded his hands in front of him and shook his head at his oldest brother. "So so sad. Nobody told you."

"Told me what?!"

Brynn reached under the table and laced her fingers with Taylor's while she explained as bluntly as possible to Isaac. "They're kind of, together now."

Isaac's eyes widened and he stood up. "What?! How?! And... WHY DID MACKIE KNOW BEFORE ME?!"

"Because Holly likes me more than she likes you." Mackenzie grinned.

"Shut up!"

"Dude, Ike, chill out." Taylor said, softly. "It's no big deal. They like eachother. And you have a girlfriend. So what's the big deal?"

"She's too old for him! She's 17 and he's 14. It's wrong!"

Taylor looked at Brynn and then glared at Isaac. "Dude."

"I mean, no offense."

Brynn shook her head. "None taken. But Ike, you're 2 years older than her. So what would be the difference if the two of you were an item?"

"It's just different!"

Brynn nodded and then laughed. "Oh, I get it. It's ok in me and Taylor's case, and it would be ok if it were you and Holly because... you and Taylor are guys."

"That has nothing to do with it!" He sighed and looked out the window. "So where do you think they went?"

Taylor mumbled. "Probably making out in the back of the convenience store."

"UGH!" Isaac grunted and slammed out of the bus.

"That went well." Brynn laughed. She sighed and laid her head down on Taylor's shoulder. "So what's up?"

Taylor smiled and rested his head on top of hers. "I know, we haven't really had much time alone lately."

"Hey, five minutes here and there is nice."

Taylor ran his fingers down her arm and held her hand with both of his.

"So do you think Isaac is ok?"

"I'm sure he's fine. Jealous as hell, but fine."

Brynn nodded.

"Besides, Zac is really happy. I haven't seen him this happy in quite a while."

"Same with Holly."

Tayor stayed silent for a moment. "And what about you?"

"What about me?"

"Are you happy?"

Brynn sat up straight and turned to him. She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him. Then, she smiled and stared into his eyes. "Yes." She stated, simply and then kissed him again.

Isaac pushed open the convenience store door and let it slam into the wall. He stood in the doorway for a second before finally stomping into the store. He stomped loudly all the way to the back and looked around. There was no sign of Zac and Holly. He thought for a moment, where would he be if he had Zac's brain. Then, he sauntered over to the candy aisle. They were there, but they didn't notice him. He slid back and hid in the next aisle between the chips and the Doritos. He leaned foward so that he could see Zac and Holly. They were laughing about something.

"I'm telling you, it's an ingenious invention!" Holly grabbed a handful of KitKat BigKat's.

"You're going to eat all of those?"

"Why? Do you want some?" She reached down to grab another.

Zac laughed and grabbed her hand. He paused and then held her hand in his own. She smiled at him and then walked with him the the cash register to pay for their candy.

Isaac stepped back and watched as they left the store together, smiles on their faces. Then, he thought about his own girlfriend whom he would be seeing the next day. Maybe he wasn't jealous. Maybe he just missed his own girlfriend.


Later that night, Brynn climbed into the bunk above Taylor's and turned off the light so that Diana wouldn't yell at them for talking like she did the night before. In a few minutes, she felt a hand reach up and push through the curtain. She grabbed into it for a moment before taking the small, folding piece of paper that it was holding. She opened it up and turned her small flashlight on.

Are you asleep yet?"

She tried to stifle a laugh at Taylor's latenight humor. She grabbed a pen from the shelf and scribbled. "Dork" She handed it to him and waited for his hand to pop through the curtain again.

Once again, she helf his hand for a moment before taking the paper. Unfolding it slowly, she read, "I love you."

She grabbed her pen again and answered with the same words. She waited a few minutes before seeing the shadow of another hand holding out a piece of paper. She grabbed it and read. "Quit your letter lovin and go to bed." She laughed, knowing that it came from Zac, in the bunk next to her.

After waiting ten minutes for a response from Taylor, she decided that he'd fallen asleep. She sighed, turned off her flashlight, and closed her eyes. Five minutes later, she felt her curtain open slowly, as if not to make any sound. Then, Taylor leaned inside and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"What was that for?" She whispered after kissing him back.

"I just remembered, I forgot to kiss you goodnight."

Brynn smiled and kissed him again. "Night."


Then, Taylor went back to his bunk and they both fell asleep to the lull of the bus on the highway.

Premonition (Brynn and Kris's band)
Hearts of Fate
Brynn and Holly
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