Chapter.... something or other

Isaac Hanson jumped and opened his eyes when he felt something pelt the back of his head. He turned around and growled. "What do you want?"

"How can you fall asleep so fast? We haven't even taken off yet." Taylor, who was sitting in a first class seat next to Brynn, laughed at his older brother.

"Well, in case you're forgetting, I didn't get any sleep last night." He glared at Brynn, silently cursing her for being up all night laughing and joking with Holly.

"Geez, sorry." Brynn rolled her eyes and grabbed her magazine from her bag on the floor.

Isaac glanced to the back of the plane and nodded in Zac and Holly's direction. "What's with her?"

Brynn and Taylor looked back to see Holly gripping the arm rests with white knuckles and closed eyes. "Oh, she's never been on a plane before. She's spazzing out a little bit." Brynn laughed. "She'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Isaac asked, showing genuine concern for her. "I mean... maybe I should go back and make sure she's ok." He looked back and forth between Taylor and Brynn. When he saw the looks on their faces, he corrected himself. "You know, I wouldn't want her to puke all over the seat. That'd be bad."

Brynn nodded. "Yes, yes, that would be bad. You know what would be worse?"


"If a certain somebody got in the way of Holly and Zac and broke them up." She glared and Taylor nodded.

Isaac grew defensive. "Since when were you and Taylor on their side?"

"From the very beginning when you didn't tell Holly you had a girlfriend." Brynn sighed.

Isaac put his hands up. "Whoa, ok fine. I'm sorry about that. But I'm not planning on going after Holly and breaking up her and Zac."


"Why's it so important to you anyway?"

Brynn sighed again. "Holly is really sensitive towards other people. If she thinks you're hurt or if she thinks you're sad, she'll do anything it takes to make you feel better. And by 'you' I mean, anybody."

"Oh." Isaac turned around in his seat and put his seat belt on. "Fine. I'll stay out of her life."

"That's not what I meant, Ike." Brynn looked at Taylor and frowned. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it. He'll get over it. He's just bitter because she got over him." He whispered, knowing that Isaac probably heard him anyway. "Are you excited?"

"Very. South America. Do they have big bugs?"

Tayor laughed and put his arm around her. "Probably. They have mosquitos."


"Disease carrying mosquitos."

"Even better."

"Always up for a challenge?"

"You know it." Brynn laughed and waited for the plane to take of.

In the back of the plane, Zac looked out the window at the car which had once carried all of the baggage. He turned back to Holly and laughed. "Are you ok?"

"Fine. I'm fine."

"You've never flown before, have you?"

"Of course I have!"

Zac thought for a moment and then rolled his eyes. "Ok, you've never flown on a plane before have you?"

Holly slowly shook her head. "I'm a little paranoid."

Zac helf Holly's hand and waited a few minutes before the plane was getting ready to take off. "Ok, close your eyes."


"Just close them. I'll talk you through it. It'll be nothing. I promise."

Holly gripped the seat again and closed her eyes.

"No, relax." Zac grabbed both of her hands and held them in his own. "Ok, now..." He waited until the plane began to drive up the runway. "We're on the bus and Taylor is driving."

"Good lord! You're supposed to make me feel better!" She squeezed her eyes shut harder.

"I am!" He laughed. "So we're on the bus and Taylor is driving. He's going a little faster. Dad is screaming at him."

"Why would he let him drive the bus in the first place?"

Zac shook his head. "Ok..." The plane tilted back and lifted off the ground. Holly stiffened. "OH MY GOD! TAYLOR! YOU JUST HIT ANOTHER ARMADILLO! That's three today. I swear boy, you can't drive worth crap." He talked some more until the plane finally smoothed out and they were in the air. "See, now that wasn't so bad."

Holly shook her head and opened her eyes. "No, not bad at all. I just might throw up within the next ten minutes."

"Darn Armadillos."

Holly laughed and leaned over, resting her head on Zac's shoulder.

Taylor jumped and turned around at the sound of his name. "What are they yelling about back there?"

"It's Holly and Zac. Who knows?"

"I heard my name."

Brynn laughed and turned around to look. "Looks like he's talking her through it all."

"But he said my name. He better not be making fun of me again."

She laughed again. "Taylor, it's ok. Relax. So what are we going to do first when we get to South America?"

Taylor sighed and then smiled at her. "Make out?"

"Ok, rephrasing that. What are we going to do first that we can't do anywhere else?"

"Damn. I don't know. I guess we'll figure it out when we get there."

"But in the meantime..." Brynn smiled.

"We can make out!"

She laughed. "And I thought Zac was a dork."

"I love you." He smiled.

"Love you too." She smiled back and put her head back down on his shoulder.

Hearts of Fate
The Official Premonition Webpage!
