Emergency Room

Taylor squeezed Brynn's hand lightly again as they turned onto the street in front of the Kirby Center. Brynn opened her eyes and looked out the window. "Do you think they have any idea? Especially the ones waiting outback by the tourbusses."

"Any idea about what?" He asked, staring ahead nervously at the stopped traffic.

"It's kind of weird. I would have been one of those girl's out there by the busses waited to see you. My friends and I were gonna run back right before the encore. We wanted to get to meet you so bad."


"We tried to get meet and greets. I was really pissed off when these two girls, got them. They'd just met you in Philly. It's just not fair when there's real fans out there that don't get those opourtunities."

Taylor sighed. "I wish we had more control over that."

"I'd say it turned out ok for me," She almost laughed as she nodded towards her arm, "But then again..."

Taylor laughed lightly and nervously as he met eyes with a blonde in front of the theater. A blonde... the same blonde that knocked Brynn over. "Uh oh..." He looked forward again. "She saw me. What do I do?"

The girl's eyes widened and she grabbed her friend's arm firmly. Then, she jumped up and down about three times.

"Oh shit. Just keep looking straight ahead. Pretend you didn't notice..."

But he did notice, and now in that split second, the 100 girls standing outside of the Kirby center started screaming and running towards the car. Taylor's hand slammed down onto the automatic lock. He had no idea what to do, and he really didn't want his mom to be right about this.

"Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God." He mumbled as the girls started to surround the car. "What the hell do I do?!"

"I don't know!" Brynn covered her ears, the sound was making her dizzy again. "I hate these kinds of fans!"

Then, Taylor looked over as the car next to him began to back up, making just enough room for him to weave out of the crowd. He smiled and waved at the girl driving the car. She looked no older than 16, but she was one of the real fans. One of the fans that loves Hanson, and looks out for their well being at the same time.

Brynn leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes. Her head was pounding and she couldn't keep it up any longer. She stopped and thought about the concert, about Isaac and Taylor both smiling at her, and Zac staring off into space like usual. She prayed she'd get to shake their hands, but this was unreal. Now, she was sitting in a rental car with Taylor Hanson, holding his hand. It felt exactly as she'd always dreamed... But her thoughts faded and got fuzzy. She was... in the car with... Taylor... she thought she still heard screaming but then she dismissed it was her ears ringing.

"So I never asked, how old are you?" Taylor looked over suddenly as he felt her hand fall loose inside his own. "Hey, Brynn..." He let go of her hand and shook her shoulder. "Brynn!"

Her eyes opened slowly. "Hmm?"

"Oh my God, don't do that again."

"What? What did I do?"

"You got all quiet there for a minute. I thought you fell asleep."

"I'm sorry. What did you ask me?"

"I asked how old you are."


"Oh." He smiled at her as he pulled up in front of the hospital emergency room. It looked empty and for that he was grateful. "Here." He turned the car off and ran to her side. After opening the door, he slipped his arm around her waist and almost lifted her out of the car. "How are you feeling?"

"I don't really know." She shook her head.

He walked her into the emergency room, sat her down, and then walked quickly to the front desk. "Hey..." He muttered at the nurse who was sitting at in a chair with her back to him, reading a book. "Hey... nurse lady thing... yo!"

She turned around and smiled. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, my friend fell at a... concert. We think she broke her wrist and she's really dizzy and disoriented. She hit her head pretty hard."

"Ok well, you'll have to have your friend fill out these forms, and her mom will have to sign for her."

"But I don't know where her mom is!"

"I thought you said you were her friend." The nurse raised an eyebrow and read the writing on his bucket hat. "Hanson, huh? Yeah they're pretty good. My daughter just loves that one. I forget his name. Tyler or something. She wanted tickets but we couldn't get any. I told her I'd run over after the concert and see if I could get an autograph."

Taylor put his forearms down on the counter and sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. My friend is hurt pretty bad. I can fill out her forms for her and I'll call her mom to come and sign. Will that be ok?"

"Well, alright, but she can't get in to see a doctor until she has her mom sign."

"What kind of a rule is that?"

"We need her insurance information... all of that."

"I'm sure she can give it to you!"

"Please fill out the forms and call her mom. Then I'll let you know what to do."

Taylor growled quietly and left to talk to Brynn. The nurse watched quietly as the boy in the Hanson hat, that looked oddly familiar, got hold of Brynn's cell phone and dialed a number. "Hi, uhm, ok this is gonna sound weird, but this is Taylor Hanson. Brynn got hurt at the concert and I took her to the emergency room but they won't let her do anything without you here. I dunno what to do and the nurse isn't helping any..."

The nurse appeared at his shoulder and took the cellphone from him. "Taylor! I didn't even recognize you with that hat on. You're not supposed to have cell phones in here, but hey, just for you." She smiled and put the phone up to her ear. "Mrs...." She paused. "Kishbaugh. Is there anyway you can get here? Half an hour? Ok well, I'll have Brynn admitted and I'll let you in as soon as you get here. Well we can't be sure yet. It sounds like she might have a concussion and a broken wrist. Ok, thank you." She handed the phone back to Taylor. "Well, sweetie, there ya go."

Taylor sighed and took the phone and the forms from her. "Thanks." He sat down next to Brynn with a pen and the forms, taking her information down for her. Then, he handed it back to the nurse.

"Ok, I'll call you as soon as you can go in."

"But you just said!"

"Sorry..." She shrugged and reached for her book again.

Taylor sighed and sat down next to Brynn. "I'm sorry I can't get you in. But your mom will be here really soon."

Brynn nodded and leaned over, placing her head on his shoulder. Taylor smiled and lifted his arm to put it around her shoulder. She seemed to fit perfectly into his arms, and he loved that. But before he had the chance to say anything else to her, a woman with short brown hair came running into the hospital. She looked down and leaned forward to Brynn. "Brynn, are you ok?"

Brynn looked up. "I don't know." She looked into her mom's eyes. Her wrist was really hurting her and she couldn't do anything about it.

The nurse came running over and put Brynn into a wheelchair and then rushed her away, taking her mother with her. Taylor didn't get a chance to say anything but Brynn turned to him and smiled, silently thanking him for everything.

Taylor sighed and went back outside to his car. He wanted to stay, make sure she was ok, but he had to leave. He had to get back to the theater. When he did get there, most of the commotion had died down. He parked on the side and went back inside. He was pretty surprised to find his older brother, sitting in a chair backstage staring at the wall. "Hey, Ike..."

"Is she ok?"

"I dunno, they just kinda took her back there... I didn't get to see."

"Oh. So why did mom and dad have you take her, and not me?"

"I guess they wanted to test me or something."

"And how'd it go?"

"We got mobbed, but we got out of it. It was ok."

"She's really pretty."

Taylor shrugged, blushing. "I guess so."

"So did you like her? Was she nice?"

"She was really nice. But I'll probably never get to see her again anyway. I just did what I had to do." He lied, not wanting to tell his brother that he really enjoyed spending time with her. He shrugged, and jumped almost three feet when his pocket started to ring. "What the hell?"

"Cell phone?"

Taylor's eyes widened. "Oops." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out Brynn's cellphone. He pushed the button and placed it to his ear. "Hello?"

"Stealing my phone, are you?"

"Sorry. I must have just put it in my pocket. I can bring it back though."

"Well, I actually just wanted to call and thank you for everything."

"I... was glad to do it. So are you ok?"

"Wrist is broken, minor concussion, mostly medical talk. I didn't really understand what they were saying. They're getting ready to put a cast on me. When I noticed that my phone was gone, I figured you had it, so I asked if I could call you before they started torturing me."

He laughed. "Did you actually use those words?"

"Pretty much. So... uhm..."

"Right, your phone. I could drop it off at your house tomorrow..."

"No, don't do that. I don't want you to have to go out of your way."

"Well, we're gonna spend a couple days in town before we head off to Pittsburg. If you're feeling up to it, maybe we could meet for a movie or something. I could give you your phone back then."

Brynn smiled. "Would that be a date?"

"Maybe." He looked down at his watch surprised to see that it was one in the morning. "Do you think you'll feel up to it tomorrow? Maybe we could see a movie at... the Kirby Center? Seven O'Clock?"

"Sure. And if not, I'll call you. I have your number... or my number."

"Ok, cool. I'll see you then." Taylor smiled, actually excited for a date with... a fan. That hadn't happened in a long time. "Take it easy."

"I will. Thank you again."

"Your Welcome." Taylor turned the phone off and shoved it back into his pocket. "And Taylor has a date." He smiled at his brother.

"Great. A date with the wounded girl. Funfun."

"You're just jealous."

"Uhm. No?"

Taylor grinned and patted his brother on the shoulder. "Whatever." Then, he ran to tell his mom and dad what had happened.

Hearts of Fate

Email: mryuck@csrlink.net