Never Again

Katerina sat on Taylor Hanson's porch steps and squinted through the sunlight as he dropped his backpack on the ground and walked up the sidewalk. He smiled down at her for a moment and then sat on the step next to her. "What's up?"

"Nothin much. You?"


She stared ahead. "How long you gonna be there?"

"A few weeks until we can come home again. We'll be going back and forth between there and a couple other places. But we'll be home every now and then after that. This is just going to be a busy few weeks."

"So this is the big one?"

He nodded. "Time to get the album done."

She nodded. "You excited?" She asked, envious of his happiness with his music. It was his life and she knew she had no right to get in the way of it.

"Yeah." He sighed and frowned. "I'm going to miss you. I'll call you everyday."

Katerina jumped up and grabbed his hand. "So can I give you your going away present now?"

"I guess. Wait, you got me a present?"

"Well, sort of. We have to go downstairs though."

Taylor agreed and Kat pulled him down the stairs to the basement. She stood him next to the piano and she sat down. She ran her fingers over the keys before actually beginning to play. Music filled the room for about 2 minutes before she began to sing the words to the first verse and chorus of the song. "I always saw you as somebody else, somebody better, somebody far, somebody out of reach. You always saw me as somebody bright, somebody beautiful, somebody close to your heart. Now, as we say goodbye, I'll always see you as you and I know, you'll come back again."***

She stopped after the chorus and looked down. "It's all I have so far. I figure I'll have it finished by the time you come back."

Taylor slowly sat down on the bench next to her and looked down at her hands which were still on they keys. "You finally gave in to it." He whispered, realizing how hard it had been for her to ever write a whole song and sing it to anybody.

She nodded.

Taylor put his arms around her and hugged her. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"And I am coming back. We'll visit a lot. And I know it will get hectic after the album comes out but..."

"I know." Kat sighed and then stood up. She pulled Taylor up with her. "I'm not afraid. It's different now."

Taylor took her hand and walked with her back upstairs and outside to where their van was parked. He grabbed his backpack from the ground and threw it into the backseat. The rest of his family was already in the car, ready to go to the airport.

Katerina took a deep breath and hugged him. "I'll be here when you get back."

"And I'll still be here when I get back. Ok?" He whispered into her ear. "I promise. I won't leave you this time. I love you."

"I love you, too." She smiled, knowing that this time, he was telling the truth. She gave him a quick kiss and watched as he got into the van. He waved to her as they drove away and she wiped a few tears away from her cheeks. Her heart was breaking, but she knew he'd be back, she knew he'd always be there for her, and she knew she'd never again love anybody the way she loved Taylor Hanson.

***Written by me, age 10, for a friend that moved away.

Never Again
Adora Lane (NEW)
