The Haunting

There are only so many ways to convey how much this movie sucks. After seeing The Haunting I am almost compelled to find more ways. The plot line goes something like this; a doctor (Liam Neeson) wishes to conduct a study on fear and responses to freaky stimuli. He enlists a group of insomniacs (Catherine Zeta Jones and company) under false pretences for his experiment. He takes them to a haunted isolated house, tells a ghost story, and sits back and watches. Of course the house is actually haunted, but not really scary. The director, once again, forgets that the key element to any film is realistic doalogue and not special effects. The one and only scary part in the movie doesn't even include special effects. When watching this movie, I couldn't help wishing that I was somewhere else, and longed for the good old movies when good old fashioned dialogue, and the cast's acting were allowed to carry a movie.

Madison's Rating-- D

Kristin's Two Cents

This is one of the reviews where I disagree with Madison. I found the special effects and the house very appealing. I also found myself very into Luke, reguardless of his "I just got hit by a bus, nose".

My Rating-- B

But then again, I like almost every movie as long as it doesn't involve Jenifer Love Hewitt.

Madison's Movie Reviews
