South Park

I spent roughly three quarters of this movie staring with my mouth hanging open, explaiming, "They can't say that!" The premise of this movie is based on the foul language of Canadians, the seductive appeal of cursing to children, the overprotectiveness of parents, Satan's lovelife, and farting. This is all relayed in a series of songs and obscenities sung by everyone's favourite, wisecracking, geometric children. It's quite obvious that the whole point of the movie is to shock the general audience, by testing conventional and moral guidelines, and of course to make you laugh. It will succeed in both cases unless you're an uptight, morally bound, righteous, "my shit smells sweeter than yours", sort of person. In which case, I would have to tell you to pull the stick out of your ass and move on with your life.

Madison's Rating-- B(I can't go higher for the sake of general principle)

Kristin's Two Cents

I watched this movie with Madison, and I can be a witness to the first line of this review. I don't think I've ever seen her so shocked. But I do have to agree with everything she says. I am generally appauled by the constant putting down of Canadians on television and in movies, but SouthPark is the only movie to do this with absolute humor. I can say this because I watched the movie in the theater with a Canadian, and although she spent half the time saying, "This is so totally awful!", she went out of the theater laughing.

Kristin's Rating-- B+ (Due to Cartman's "Kyle mom is a stupid bitch" song, and Saddam's antic's in the sheets)

Madison's Reviews
