Chapter 2

Just so that nobody is confused, each chapter in Simplicity is told from the point of view of a different character. Who the point of view is from, you have to figure out.

There's a girl who lives next door to me. Her name is Piper. I've never met anybody like her. She's not the prettiest girl in the world, she's kind of heavy, and she hates me. But she has the most amazing eyes and smile. I watch her walk around with her friend, Natalie. She laughs all the time. She's the kind of girl I would love to be with.

Natalie is another story. Supposedly she has a major crush on me. At least, that's what Piper told me yesterday. I was rollerblading down the street and I tried to stop dramatically in front of them. It didn't work, I think I pelted Piper in the face with pebbles. Oops. Natalie smiled at me like usual and I said hi to Piper. Then I went back inside.

It didn't take long before I heard the sound of our tin ladder hitting the side of the house. This is always my cue to get out as fast as possible. Natalie likes to spy on me at night, and sometimes in the morning while I'm getting dressed.

I went outside to talk to Piper. She was sitting on the curb in front of my house, her hair hanging over her left shoulder. I notice the littlest things when it comes to her, like the small mole on her left cheek. She is always bright. Her clothes never match, and her hair is always on top of her head or in some other weird style. I don't know why this makes me fall for her, but it just makes her different, and I like that.

She yelled at me. As usual. The glitter on her cheeks sparkled as she shook her head. She always tells me how much Natalie likes me, but she never realizes how much that sucks in my eyes. She told me how it's against the best friend's law to be interested in somebody your friend likes. I know exactly what she means. I just wish I would have told her.

My friend, Nowell (not Noel... it's more like, Nole), really likes Natalie. Which is the reason why I can't be interested in her. But of course, she just doesn't realize it.

Nowell kicked his shoes off as hard as he could and watched them hit the wall. "HA!" He laughed and turned to me. "Is Natalie home?"

"I dunno, man. Why don't you just talk to her?"

"Cause that's your job."

I rolled my eyes and jumped up from the couch. "I can't talk to that girl. She never shuts up."

"Neither does that other chick. That one that looks all weird."

"Shut up." I threatened Nowell, giving him a dirty look. "Don't talk about Piper. Come on. We're going to talk to Natalie."

"Now?!" Nowell yelled as I pulled him out the front door. "Not now! I'm not ready yet!"

"Shut up and come on."

We went outside and I wasn't very surprised to find Natalie and Piper sitting in the middle of the street, throwing stones at the curb. Piper's hair was in a bunch of little ponytails, I think that's what chicks call them. Her pants were light purple and they looked like vinyl. Her tanktop was of course, pale yellow. Natalie looked cute. Her hair was in little braids. She wore a pair of flares with bright orange swirls along the bottom and an orange tanktop. The girl matched. A miracle of course.

I shoved Nowell in front of Natalie and she looked up and smiled. "Hi Joey! Hi Nowell." She nudged Piper and Piper laughed. Whatever that meant.

I forgot to mention what Nowell looks like. No big deal. I don't think guys are big on describing other guys. He's really tall. Taller than me. I think he's 6'1". His eyes and hair are brown and his hair is short and always gelled forward.

"Hey Piper." I grabbed her arm. I touched her for the first time. But that's not the point. Anyway. I grabbed her and pulled her aside. "Come here. I wanna tell you something."

Piper let out a sound that I can only describe as a "grumble". Yet another sign that she hates me. "I'll be right back, Natie."

Natalie waved to her. "Ok sure."

When I pulled Piper onto my porch, she ripped her arm from my grasp. "Must you?! Geez. I can walk on my own. What do you want?"

"Remember yesterday when you told me about that friendship law?"

"Uhm. Vaguely. Why?" Piper rubbed her arm. "Damn you. Could you have grabbed me any harder?"

"Sorry. Look over there." I pointed towards Nowell, who had his hands shoved in his pockets, trying to talk to Natalie.

"You mean?"

I nodded. "Yeah. That's why I can't be interested in Natalie. Because of Nowell. He never shuts up about her."

Piper's eyes widened. I couldn't help but notice the way the tiny brown ring barely showed up around the bright green. "DUDE!" She shrieked and started to run. "I GOTTA TELL HER!"

I grabbed her by her shoulders and pulled her back. Probably a little too hard. She tripped over a board on the porch and fell backwards, straight onto my lap. "WHAT THE HELL?!" She yelled in my face. "Trying to kill me now?" She smiled. For the first time ever, she smiled at me.

"Sorry." I think I blushed, but I can't be sure. I tried to help her off of my lap, but she's really independant and strong. She jumped up and stared at Natalie and Nowell. I don't think she even noticed that I put my hand on her shoulder when I walked up behind her.

"So do you think he's gonna ask her out?" She said, looking at me, still smiling.

I was amazed at her. She seemed to only care about Natalie and if Natalie would be happy. "I think he is." I smiled back at her. Or maybe it was more like a grin. A complete, idiotic, grin.

We watched as Nowell took his hands out of his pockets and grinned. Natalie nodded and smiled. I hoped that was a good sign.

Piper jumped up a little and clapped her hands. "Ohh! They look so cute together. Was this your idea?" She asked, turning to me, one of her ponytails hanging down her shoulder.

"Uhm. I forced him out here against his will. I don't think he had much of a choice."

"That is so cool! Thanks! Now Natie will be happy. She was afraid that no guys liked her. I knew Nowell had a thing for her, but I wasn't totally sure."

I honestly couldn't believe that Piper was carrying on a conversation with me. It was something that had never happened before. But of course, I just stood there like a complete fool. I had no idea what to say.

"Anyways. Here comes Nowell. Natie and I are going back to her house to make lunch. See ya." Piper hopped down the stairs and ran over to her friend.

Nowell slapped my arm. "I asked her out. She said yes. Actually, it was more like, 'Hell yeah'. But anyway."

I stared straight ahead at Piper as she leaned over to pick a rock out of her sandle.

"Hello? Dude wake up."

I shook my head. "She actually let me touch her."

"Wow. She must not have noticed."

I laughed and shoved him. "Get back inside."

I didn't know that would be the last time I'd see Piper for a week.

