Chapter 6

"Ow." Piper laughed when she tripped over the coffee table in a rush to get to the couch. There was nobody at her house so there was no trouble. Besides, this was my dream, did it matter where we fooled around?

I caught her shoulder and helped her up. I couldn't believe it when she kissed me. My god. I was almost afraid that she was on some whacky medication and I was taking advantage of it. But that would be her fault, right?

After we sat down and turned towards eachother, I pulled the hair thing out of her hair, letting it fall over her shoulders. I like the length of her hair. It hits the middle of her back and never stays where it's supposed too. She smiled and grabbed my collar, pulling me down on top of her. Agressive much.

I smiled when I realized that Piper was in her bathing suit. Easy access. I leaned over and kissed her neck lightly. I figured it would drive her wild. But she squirmed and kicked me in the nuts. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I yelled, trying not to sound too mean.

"It tickled." She giggled and kissed my lips again.

"Yeah well your knee in my nads didn't tickle."

"Want me to kiss make better?"

"That could help." I grinned and kissed her, my tongue exploring her mouth. It's not as hard as it looks to think while you're making out. Trust me, I know. The entire time her fingertips were running up and down the back of my shirt, I was thinking, Take it off dammit! But of course she didn't. She's got that whole, I'll kiss you like mad and drive you wild, but you have to strip yourself. So that's exactly what I did.

I pulled my shirt over my head and waited for her to do the same with her bathing suit top. No luck. Damn.

"Dammit your hot."

"I thought you were repulsed by me."

"Did I ever say that?"

"Yeah. Last week."

"I lied." She laughed and started kissing me again, this time rubbing her hands up and down my chest.

Dammit girl, take that thing off! "Are you sure we're ok down here?"

"Uh huh." She muttered as her tongue glided over my lips. I tried resting my hand lightly on her chest, but of course, I missed and hit her ribs, causing her knee to fly into my crotch again.


"I dunno. Why don't you find out?" She smiled.

Which is why I want to take off your friggin bathing suit and do you now. "Uhm. Ok." I slid my hand under her bathing suit top and it grazed her chest.

"Ok yeah. That tickles."

"Are you sure Natalie won't come in any second?"

"Natie's at Nowell."

"I thought she had an ortho appointment."

"She does. Nowell's gonna make sure her teeth are straight and clean." Piper grinned.

"You guys are nuts."

"Yeah I know." Piper laughed. "Are you aware that your hand is on my boobie?" Yet another Piper phrase that will keep you laughing for days.

"And are you aware of where your hand is?"

Piper looked down to see that she was fingering the waistband of my shorts. She blushed. It was cute actually.

"You don't have to stop."

"I know... but... I've never like..."

"You don't have to."

"But... I want to." She smiled at me.


Piper slid her hand slowly down the top of my shorts and gently stroked the outside of my boxers. I almost fell forward on top of her, but I didn't. It was just the fact that I've waited for her to ... for so long. And she was so close. But of course, she pulled away.

"What?" I asked, out of breath from disappointment.

"I don't... know if I want to."

"Can I ease your mind?"

"Maybe." She smiled.

I slid both of my hands up her bathing suit top and slowly lifted it over her head. She raised her arms to help me take it off. When it was off, I stared into her eyes for a moment, knowing that she was nervous.

"Are you a virgin?"

I didn't move for a minute. What if I said what she didn't want to hear? Would she pull the blanket around herself and storm upstairs, never wanting to speak to me again? "No."

"So you've done this before?"

"Uh huh."

"With how many people?"

"One girl... many times."

"So you know what you're doing?"

"Uh huh."

Piper smiled. "You'll have to guide me along then."

"Are you sure? Cause once I get going... I don't know if I'll be able to stop..."

"Well you know... if you aren't going to sack it... go home and whack it."

"Oh god." I laughed as I continued to run my hands over her body.

In one swift movement, making me think she was as experienced as me, she unzipped my shorts and pulled them off of me. Then she reached into my boxers and began doing what she was doing before. I think I moaned. "Are you sure you haven't done this before?"

"Pretty damn sure. Why?" She smiled. I burried my face into her shoulder and she laughed. "What? Am I doing this wrong?"

"Uhm. No. Just... don't stop."

Piper laughed and took her hand away from me.

"Piiiperrrr." I heard my voice go shrill and I winced.

"I'm just teasing you."

"I know that."

"I like to tease." She giggled and ran her fingertip along the top of my boxers.

"I know." I smiled and kissed my way down to her stomach. When I reached her bellybutton ring, I smiled up at her. "Do you have any idea how sexy this is?"

"Uh huh." She mumbled, I don't think she knew what she was saying.

I came back up to her neck and kissed her there again. But I raised my hips so that her knee would miss. "I'm learning."

She laughed. Then... she sneezed. And laughed again.

"Sneezing now? What a turn on."

She laughed and sneezed again. "Shit." She mumbled as she pulled her bathing suit back over her head and sat up.


She shook her head and didn't move. "FAHK!" I watched her grab her nose and run out of the room. I pulled my shorts and shirt back on and followed her.

I found her sitting against the refridgerator with a towel against her nose. She gave me the most pathetic look I have ever seen. "I'm sorry." She whispered as she kept the towel to her face, trying to stop her nose from bleeding.

"It's ok." I laughed and sat down next to her. I put my arm around her and this time she kindly accepted, putting her arm down on my shoulder.

It was a nice feeling, and I don't usually admit this. I liked just sitting there with her as her nose bled. Almost as if I was nursing her. She looked all pathetic in my arms. I knew it was just a little nose bleed and that she got them all the time. She got one once when she was yelling at me for stealing her rollerblade. But it was still nice. It's just... Why the hell did it have to happen then?!

