"There is nothing to do in this lifetime that will get me to drink that." I pushed Nyle away and glanced around the party. This was getting out of hand. "This is insane, why didn't you invite Piper?"

"She doesn't drink. Something about it makes her puke or something." Natalie pushed the glass in front of my nose. It smelled like shit. "Come on. Just taste. It's good."

"What the hell did you put in that?"

"This 'n that." Natalie giggled. "Everything that was in the liquor cabinet. They won't know I did it. I wasn't even invited anyway."

I laughed. I had to admit she was pretty damn cute, even when she was falling on her ass drunk. "I'm not drinking that. And you need to chill out too. I think you've had like.. too much or something."

Natalie turned to a random guy that walked past the kitchen counter and lifted her black tanktop over her head. "WOOOO!"

"God Natalie. At least keep your clothes on."

"That's no fun." Natalie laughed.

"Then at least put your shirt back down." I grabbed her tanktop and pulled it back down.

"Woops, forgot that was up there. DUDE! I know what we can do."

I could hardly wait for this one.

"Let's go moon airplanes!!!"


"Write on eachother with the cheese in a can."

"God damn you girl. What is it with you and cheese in a can?"

"One of the 5 major food groups. There's fudge, booze, cereal at midnight, icing, pop, and cheese in a can."

"Soda! Can't you accept the fact that it is SODA! Not pop." I yelled. Now don't get me wrong, I loved it when she lifted her shirt over her head, and the heads of others. And she was damn cute when she snorted after drinking half a keg of beer, but when she said the word "pop", I couldn't stand it.

"I will when you accept the fact that you need to bite me." Natalie whispered into my eyeball, her tongue ring coming dangerously close to my pupil. Then she hiccupped. "Come on, I think I hear the GoodYear blimp. Let's go wave." She jumped up and attempted to grab my arm. This resulted in her on the floor with her skirt wrapped around my leg. "Why Nowie... I never knew you wanted me to strip. If you want to me see strip, I will."

Now she was starting to forget how to put together sentences. Time to go home. I grabbed her by her legs and flipped her over my shoulder. She slapped my ass.

"Awww, come on Nowell, I wanna party."

"Nat, you've partied for 5 minutes, now you're drunk and you need to go home."

"My parents will kill you for getting me drunk." She hiccupped when I dropped her into the passenger side of my car.

I put the seatbelt around her shoulders and kissed her on the lips. "I know they will, which is why I'm taking you to Piper's."

"WOO! PIPES!!! Think she's still awake?"

"Knowing Piper? She's probably on the roof singing." But when we got there, Piper was in her room, completely asleep. Not finding any need to wake her and her family up, I laid Natalie down on the couch and covered her up with a sheet. Which she proceeded in wrapping around my waste and screaming "TOGA! WOO!"

"Nat, please go to sleep. Please. I don't want you to get in trouble."

Natalie shrugged and yawned. Then she fell asleep faster than I'd ever seen a person fall asleep in my life time. I knew Piper would find her in the morning, probably drooling on the floor. But I couldn't stand to see her like this, so I left. I left her to her best friend, who knew how to take care of her.

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