
page is a dedication to my best friend, lover, and husband.
You are always there for me when
I need you. And for that I thank you.
You would give up your life for
And for that I love you even more
today than 14 years ago.
When we met you were going on 15,
I had just turned 14, but I knew it was love at first sight. Even then
you showed me how much you loved me. And you still do today. All I have
to do is look into your eyes and I see all your love for me. Honey, we
will be celebrating 11 years of marriage together next month, and it still
feels like we just met. Our love is exciting, romantic, and blissful.
I want to thank you for 11 wonderful
years and for our 3 beautiful children.

I hope I haven't made the people
veiwing this page sick. LOL. But if I have I'm sorry, this is my page and
I'll do it any way I please!! Thanks to all the people who made the wonderful
graphics. And if you see one of your graphics and I didn't put your link
on please let me know. Thanks:)

Please email us. And don't forget
to sign the guestbook.