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My Family

Well you probably saw the picture of them on my picture page.. :) My parents are Mike and Sandy.. My sisters are Melanie and Shannon.. Shannon is 14 and in 8th grade.. Melanie is 17 and a senior in highschool.. She can't wait to get out of the highschool.. You can go to Shannon's by going to my link's page. I'm not sure what Mel's is..

We also have a dog and a cat. Taz is our dog. He is half beagle and half labrador retriever. Click on his name to see a picture of him. Mikey is our cat. Click on his name to see a picture of him.

We've had three exchange students live with us. The first one was Jae. She is Korean but lives in Germany. She was here from 96-97, my senior year in high school. She was a senior like me..

Helena was here from 98-99. She is from the Canary Islands. You can go to her web page from my links page. She was a senior in highschool also.

I miss them both. We talk on the phone sometimes but usually we write e-mails instead.

Then there was Muriel. She is from Switzerland.. You can see her picture on my picture page.