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Three soldiers had just been released from the Army. To celebrate, they decided to take a helicopter ride around the town.

The first soldier was eating a banana. "Hmmm...I wonder... if we throw this peel out the helicopter, will we see it land?" The other two soldiers shrugged and said go ahead and throw it out. They watched with anticipation, but they didn't see it land.

The second soldier had a rock. He threw it out the helicopter and said, "This is bigger than the peel. We oughta be able to see this land." The soldiers all watched again, but nothing happened. The third soldier pulled out a grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it. "NOW we'll see this land." The soldiers watched again... nothing happened.

After the ride the soldiers were walking home. They saw a little girl crying on the sidewalk. "What's wrong?" the soldier asked. "Well," said the girl, "I was just walking along and slipped on a banana peel that came from no where." The soldiers explained what had happened on the helicopter and carried the little girl home.

As they were walking along once more they saw a little boy crying on the side of the road. "What's the matter, son?" "Well," said the boy, "I was just walking along when a rock hit me on the head." The soldiers again told told their story and helped the little boy home.

"I wonder what happened with the grenade," said one soldier. "Me too," said another, so the soldiers went running down the road where they saw an old woman laughing hysterically. "Ma'am... what's so funny?" The old woman between giggles said, "Well, I farted and my house blew up." hehehehe