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Frank was walking down the street one day, when he runs into his buddy Joe. Joe asks Frank how's he's doing and Frank replies, "N-N-Not b-b-bad, b-b-but I've d-d-developedth-th-th-this s-s-stutter from a c-c-car accident I was r-r-recently involved in. N-N-Now my l-l-love lifes-s-sucks, and I c-c-can't f-f-find a j-j-job." Joe tells him of this speech therapist he knows and recommends he go see the guy. Frank agrees and thanks him.. A couple of weeks later, they run into each other again and Joe asks Frank how he made out. "Thank you for the referral. He cured me just by making me talk slower. Now I have a good job and I'm engaged to the boss's daughter." "That's excellent! Congratulations!" replied Joe, and off they went their separate ways. Another two weeks or so pass and once again Frank andJoe meet on the street. "Hey, Frank, how's it going?" asks Joe. "Terrible," says Frank. "I'm no longer engaged and I lost my job." "Why? What could have happened in two weeks Frank?" "Well, the other night I was having dinner at the boss's house and the cat was scratching behind his ear. I said 'Look, Honey! That's what you do to me but by the time I finished what I was saying the cat was licking his balls."