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Meow and Welcome to Blue Eyes' Page. No that's not my real name. My Mom and Dad let me use my username so that I am protected from my real name and my pics being on the internet. Which is a good thing! :-) I am a 9th grader and I am on the honor roll. I am also in our school band and chorus. I love to read and talk on the phone! I also have a younger brother, Silly Bug. He is always bothering me! I guess that is what younger siblings do! I still love him though! :-) As you can tell I LOVE Cats!! :-) In fact, we have 4 cats of our own. Their names are Smokey, Casper, Rocky and Twinkie Winkie. They are all characters! They each have their very own unique personalities. All of the cats think that they are human, and not animals! Of course, all of our critters are like that! :-) We also have a dog, his name is Smudge. He is a chocolate lab. He is the greatest dog! His favorite past time is licking you and giving you tons of kisses! We also have many fish. As you can tell my family and I are animal lovers. In fact, the critters out number the humans in the house! My Mom says that the critters are her 4-legged children. :-)If you would like to go to sites that I like to visit, please click on the "NEXT" button at the bottom of this page and it will take you to our page with links to the sites I like to visit. Don't forget to check out all of our other pages! Please sign our guest book so that we know you have visited our pages. We love having visitors and would love to hear from them!

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Pages lovingly Created and Maintained by Whoa Baby

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