A little About Me
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Hello, Welcome to the page about me. I am glad that you have stopped by.

I am a mother of the 2 most wonderful children God could have ever created. They are the light of my life.

I am very happily married to a wonderful man, my soulmate.

I am a Stay At Home Mom, and very proud of it.

I live in a small town in Northeastern Pennsylvania, but I am originally from Texas.

I have to admit that it is beautiful here in Pennsylvania. There are many things that you will see here that you won't see in Texas. Such as snow of course, but besides that you will see the beautiful colors of fall, when the leaves change colors.

The gorgeous colors of yellow, orange, red, green and brown on all the trees. It is absolutely beautiful when you see this! You will see the wonderful sites of spring, as everything changes from colors of white and green from the few evergreen trees to bright vivid green as the grass pops up from under the melting snow. You will see the flowers and trees start to bud.

The summers aren't near as hot as Texas, so you don't have all the grass burnt by the heat.

Then of course, the winter. When you wake up and have a beautiful blanket of white snow covering the grounds. Depending on the type of snow, wet or fluffy, you may have it stick to the branches of the trees, and it looks like a picture perfect postcard outside.

Then when you have an ice storm, they are actually gorgeous as well, but horrible to drive in! When you look outside and see the branches of the trees covered with a thin layer of ice, it is beautiful, like a postcard you would see.

These are the many things that you would see here in Pennsylvania that you really wouldn't see in Texas. Texas weather just changes from hot to hotter. So you really don't get a chance to see all the beautiful wonders of Mother Nature and all of the seasons.

I love helping others, making them smile, putting alittle laughter in their lives. I love children, to see the twinkle in their eyes and the smiles on their beautiful little faces just makes my heart soar! I love chatting with people, meeting new friends, staying in touch with old friends. I am a strong believer in family, and protecting all children.

Well that is alittle about me and where I am from. And as the saying goes, "You can take the girl out of the country, but you can NEVER take the country out of the girl!"

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