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Help All The Children

This page is dedicated to every precious child in this world!

We need to help many of these wonderful, beautiful children. Many of us think that there isn't much that we can do, or that anything that we could do wouldn't be appreciated. In a child's life, the smallest things matter! A loving smile, a tender hug, a precious kiss, it means the world to them! Sending them a card, an email, a letter, all these things mean the world to many precious children out there! Let's all stop and take a few minutes to put a smile on a childs face. Not just once a month or once a year, but how about every day! Let's protect all those innocent babies out there, let's do our part!

Children are a precious gift from God, they are not "ours", they are only lent to us while they are here on this earth for their journey. It is our job to love them, cherish them, provide for them, support them, care for them, guiding them, give them an education, help them strive and grow, kiss their boo-boo's, and many other things, but most of all protect them! We are to help them learn and grow, flourish and strive while they are here on this earth. Many children in this world do not have the luxuries that many of our own children have, such as love, support, being taken care of, or being protected. These are all things many of us take for granted every single day. Many children can't or are to scared to talk about their "misfortunes". Let's all be the voices of these children. Let's all do our part in protecting each and every child that God has placed on this earth. As we may never know, it may be our last day on earth, or it may be their last day on earth.

Below you will find links to site that help children.

OPERATION LOOKOUT® National Center for Missing Youth
Project Safe Place

Click on the Phrase to go to that page

Prevent Child Abuse - America (PCA)
ChildHelp USA
Child Alert Foundation (CAF)
Angel House Foundation
Children's Rights of America
Lost Children's Network
Stand For Children
Child Quest International

Or You may Sign this guest book :)

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Pages lovingly Created and Maintained by Whoa Baby.

To My Soulmate To My Children Children's Links
Save The Children Web Rings Blue Eye's Page
Silly Bug's Page Poems & Stories 1 2 3 Rainbow Bridge
Home About Me Coming Soon

The midi is entitled "Too Near Yet So Far" was composed and performed by ©Yuko Ohigashi. To read about this interesting young composer just visit her site by clicking on her banner displayed above. Her midi's may ONLY be used with permission from her Mom. She also has CD's for sale.

Scripts by Dymanic Drive