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Silly Bug's Page

Ribbit! Welcome to Silly Bug's Page! Nope, my real name isn't Silly Bug. My Mom & Dad do not let me use my real name or pics of myself on the internet, they do this to protect me. Which is a good thing! :-) I am in the 5th grade, a good student, and a typical boy. I love to play video games, Nintendo 64 & Playstation 2, watch movies, play outside, ride my bike, shoot my BB or pellet gun, play with my sling shot, ride the 4-wheeler, fishing and catch all kinds of critters. Of course, I also scare my sister Blue Eyes with the critters I catch! :-) Blue Eyes doesn't like bugs! I chase her around with all kinds of critters that I catch and boy does she run and scream when I chase her! :-) One time, I caught a frog, and everytime that I talked to it, it would croak or ribbit right back to me. I loved that frog! I have great parents, they don't mind me catching critters, sometimes I even get to keep them as pets. We've had pet turtles that I've caught late in the fall and kept them until we could release them back into the pond in the spring. If you would like to go visit sites that I like to visit, please click on the "LINKS" button at the bottom of this page and it will take you to the page where the kid links are. Please sign our guest book. We love having visitors and we love to hear from them. Ribbit!

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