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At either door your welcome
Come sit with me a spell
We'll talk about the weather
No secrets I will tell

I'll listen to you sorrows
I'll try to give you peace
You always will be happy
Just make this your retreat

My doors are always open
My heart is always there
No matter what your problem
Believe me I will care

If you what to chat awhile
Have nothing else to do
Come over I'll be happy
I'll take good care of you

Kettle whistles daily
The water's piping hot
Tea I make delicious
It truly hits the spot

So come on don't be bashful
You're nice to have around
Glad that you could stop by
With friendship hearts are bound

~ Francine Pucillo ~
©used with permission

Hello there and Welcome to my home. We are so glad that you've stopped by for a visit. Through out these pages you will learn more about us. You will see who we are, and some of the things that we love. We hope you will sit a spell with us, as our door is always open for our friends. Enjoy our pages and we would love to hear from you, so please be so kind and sign our guest book. Below you will find links to all of my pages. Enjoy!


Or You may Sign this guest book :)


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Save The Children Web Rings Blue Eye's Page
Silly Bug's Page Poems & Stories 1 2 3 Rainbow Bridge
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Scripts by Dymanic Drive

The midi is entitled "Have Faith" was composed and performed by ©Yuko Ohigashi. To read about this interesting young composer just visit her site by clicking on her banner displayed above. Her midi's may ONLY be used with permission from her Mom. She also has CD's for sale.