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Don't Scream

It was a cold dark night in the early fall, 4 teenaged kids were driving around. There was Jack, 17 Nicky, 16 Josh, 18 and Julie, 16. Josh started telling a story about a haunted castle not far from where they were at the time, Nicky and Julie told him to stop. Jack was laughing because he also heard the story, but he knew it wasn't true. Josh told Nicky and Julie that 2 kids were killed there 2 years ago. Rumor also said they were walking around the grounds when someone or something (in a deep scary voice) slashed them up. Julie screamed "Stop It Josh" Josh laughed and said Julie, It's only a story. Jack asked Josh where this castle was, and Nicky said NO JACK, we're not going there. Nicky, it would be fun just to check it out. Julie and Nicky looked at each other...Jack said come on guys, it'll be fun. Finally they all said fine lets go.

They weren't far from the castle, they could all see it from the road, they could see a light in the window, Nicky leaned over and held onto Jack's arm. Jack told Nicky there was nothing to worry about. Josh was in the back seat screaming YEAH, There It Is Guys, how cool is this?? Julie looked at Josh and told him to shut up!!!

As they all look at the castle, the coulds start to roll in...

Nicky:looks like it's going to pour.

The Lighing Strikes...

Julie: in a soft voice, Guys lets no do this, Nicky agree's, lets not guys.

Jack and Josh tell the girls, come on it's not that bad, just beacuse a storms coming doen't mean anything.

Josh jumps in...This is even better, a haunted castle a storm, lighting, what more could you ask for? This is great!!!!

Julie hits Josh and tells him to shut up!!!

Jack pulls up to the gate and they all get out of the car, Josh runs over to the gate and whispers, Guys, come check this out....when they all are looking through the gates...

they see.....

Julie and Nicky step back from the gate and look at each other. Josh and Jack are still looking at the head stones.

Josh: Hey Jack, how come they don't have any names??

Jack: I don't know.

Josh: ahhh, It must be all the people who were killed here....In a scary voice "BWA HA HA"

Julie: (screams) "Knock It Of Josh, Your Scaring Me"

Josh grabs Julie and holds her tight and whispers...I'll save you Julie!!! He then giggles, Julie hits Josh again.

Josh: Ya know Jul, My arm is getting sore. Well guys, we're here lets go in.

Nicky pulls Jack close and tells him no.

Jack: come on we came this far.

Josh opens the gate and it makes a sqeaky noise so Josh comes off with, ooooo, scary!!!!

Once inside the gate they start to walk and notice that it's almost like being in the woods, but darker and spooky, there's a path that leads to the castle.

As they walk through the darkness they hear all sorts of sounds, cracking trees, leaves blowing around.

Julie: guys I think someone is watching us.

Josh: Or something!!!

As they reach the castle they hear a drip

Nicky: (In a soft whispering voice) What is that??

Josh: What is what Nicky??

Julie: I hear it, what is that?

Jack: I don't know

Josh: Hey guys, there it is, lets go.

Julie: Josh, stop, wait a minute

Josh: wait for what Julie?

Julie: I'm not so sure about this anymore, I think we should go

Josh: Well, I'm not waiting, we're here and I'm going with or without you guys

Julie, Jack and Nicky all tell Josh to stop

Josh: What is the big deal guys?

Nicky: I hear that drip again, where is it coming from???

Julie: Thats freakin me out

Josh: Well I bet we'll find it if we go closer (Josh walks up the steps of the castle)

Julie: Josh, come back, please!!

Jack: I'll go with him, you two stay here!!

Nicky: No Jack

Jack gets up and stands next to Josh, they hear the drip, josh looks at Jack.

Josh: I'll look over here and you go look over there Jack

Jack: alright. (as jack walks to the left of the castle, he hears the drip louder, he whispers "Josh, over here"

Josh: Whoa, that seems to be getting louder, where is it?

Jack: It's gotta be around here somewhere

Julie and Nicky head up the steps looking for Jack and Josh, they see them and walk over

Nicky: Did you find anything?

Julie: Guys lets just get out of here

Jack: We hear it, but we can't find it

Nicky Screams Loudly

They all look at Nicky, Jack runs to Nicky

Jack: Nicky what is it???

Nicky points up, shes trembling

As they all look up, they see....

Jack turns Nicky away from the blood, Julie's Screaming

Josh: Oh Man!!!!!

Nicky: Look, Look

Jack: Look at what Nicky????

Julie: I wanna go home, Now!!!

Nicky points out into the darkness

Jack: I see a light, but is that a house??

Josh: Another house? Where?

as they all look out into the darkness they a light, but they don't know what it is.

Josh: Hey, Lets check that out, come on!! (he runs down the steps)

Jack: Josh, wait!!!

Julie: Stop Josh!!!!

Josh: Come on guys

Jack takes Nicky's hand and leads her down the steps

Julie: Nicky, are you okay?

Nicky doen't say a word

Julie: Jack, she wont even talk now, is she going to be alright?

Jack: Nicky, are you okay?

Nicky still doen't answer

Josh: Whats going on???

Julie: Nicky wont talk

Josh: Nicky, Whats wrong???

Jack stops and pulls Nicky close to him and leans down and softly kisses her lips

Nicky: Guys, I'm scared, I'm really scared, Where did that blood come from????

Jack: Nicky, I don't know, are you okay???

Nicky: I guess so

Julie: Nicky, its alright

Julie tells Josh and Jack that they should all get out of here while they still have a chance

Josh: Well, I wanna see what that light is, come on, it wont take long

Nicky: Yeah, lets go

Jack, Josh and Julie all look at Nicky

Jack: Are you sure?

Nicky: yeah, lets go and get this over with

As they all proceed to walk through the darkness, it starts to rain, they start to walk faster but Julie stops and screams, they all stop to see what happened.


Jack: what do you mean Jul????

Josh: What????

Nicky: Oh my God, shes right, look at your hands

As they all look at their hands they see Blood It's not rain, it's blood Julie screams

They all look up into the trees above them and see

They all start to run faster.

Julie screaming Lets get out of here

As they run towards the car they hear a loud scream, they all stop to see if everyone was alright

Jack: is everyone alright???

Josh, Julie, and Nicky: Yeah

Jack: Then who was that screaming?????

They hear the loud scream getting louder, they all start to run again, As they reach the graves the see something that wasn't there before, Julie looks and starts to scream, Josh covers her mouth with his hand....

Jack holds Nicky's hand and pulls her arm and starts to run, Josh and Julie are right behind them, they then all run through the darkness

as they get futher away from the graves they turn to look back, but they can't see it anymore, they hide behind a tree, Jack and Josh keep looking for the person or whatever it was

As they hide behind the tree they hear footsteps getting closer, and closer. Then a loud scream echo's through the darkness.

If Your Not Scared, Go Here Or If You are Go Back
