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So, Your Not Scared Yet?

As they all hide behind the trees Nicky could see the light, she tugged at Jacks arm

Nicky: Look Jack, there's the light we seen

Jack: I see it

Julie: Can we please get out of here

Josh: Wait, if there is a house and a Castle here..(pause) This is weird guys

Nicky: Jack I wanna go

Josh: I know you guys wont believe this but I agree with Nicky, we've gotta get out of here, like now

Jack: Yeah I know, so which way should we go Josh?

Josh: Well lets go this way

Jack: Okay, come on, lets go

As they walked though the darkness, Nicky falls, She fell into a puddle of

She gets up and screams, when she looks to see where the blood was dripping from she sees....

(Note To All, I Know, This Came From The Movie Scream, But This Was the Only Good Pic For This Part)

Nicky: Screaming

Julie Looks to see what Nicky Is screaming about and screams

Josh grabs Julie and places his hand over her mouth again, Jack Grabs Nicky and turns her head away from the site, They all start to run

As they continue to run through the darkness, they see something red ahead, they slow down and try to see what it is, It's getting closer and they can see what it is now, Julie softly whispers, oh my god, Nicky is trembling with fear, Josh and Jack are looking at this thing coming towards them, they finally see it more clearly, they grab the girls and run

As they reach the graves, they notice that the figure they seen there before is gone.

Nicky: Lets just get to the car and get out of here, now

Julie: Yeah, please guys, we gotta get out of here

Jack and Josh: Yeah, we're trying, come on the car's not that far from here, lets go

As the reach the car, 2 of the tires on the car were flat, they then knew, they would never get out of here alive.

Josh: Oh, this is great, just great!!!!!

Julie: Josh, shut up, if it wasn't for you talking us into coming here this would of never happened

Josh: Jul, just shut up ok

Jack: Everyone, Just shut up, we gotta figure out what to do now, If we walk, whoever or whatever that was, will follow us.

Nicky: Jack, what are we going to do now

Jack: I don't know nicky

Josh: Hey guys, remember the lights we seen????

Julie: Josh, we are not going back in there

Jack: Josh, I don't think thats a good Idea

Josh: I didn't even tell you what I was thinking, sh*t

Jack: Alright, what?

Josh: Well I can see those lights from here, maybe its not a bad place

Jack: I see the lights, maybe your right, maybe we should

Nicky: No jack, No

Julie: No way am I going back in there

Josh: We don't have to, look Jul

Julie: Oh, I see it, its not that far, come on maybe we could call for help

As they all walked toward the house, they didn't hear a sound, nothing, so they all thought it was safe to keep going, when they got closer, the light in the one window was flashing on and off, They thought maybe it was a TV

As they walked up the steps the wood was cracking, Josh knocked on the door, and yelled "HELLO, Is anyone home???"

Finally, they heard footsteps, the door opened slowly, an old women answered the door and said, What are you kids doing here?? It's not safe to be out on a night like tonight.

Josh: We were wondering if we could use your phone, our car broke down

Old woman: Sure, sure, come on in

As they all walked in the woman noticed they had blood on their clothes

Old Woman: You kids weren't over near that castle, were you?

Josh: Well yeah we were

Old Woman: I must say you kids are in some real trouble now, you've disturb him

Nicky: what do you mean?????

Old woman: Well, take it from me, anyone who's ever gone there, never lived to tell about it, the man who lives there is pure evil

Julie: What do you mean??? What happened???

Jack: Your joking right???

old woman: I'm affarid not. A few years ago, a group of kids about your age came here and thought they would check out the rumors, so as they did he came out.

Nicky: what do you mean came out???

old woman: He came out of that castle, and let me say this he was not happy, I heard the screams that night, the next day the police were over there and they found trails of blood but no bodies, they found head stones, but with no names.

Josh: Whoa, lady, we seen the stones and there were no names

Old woman: Well that confused the police, so they dug up the graves, they found body parts in one, a head in another, It was just creepy things

Nicky: Oh my god

Old woman: That wasn't all, they found a poor girl hanging in a tree

Nicky: Jack, oh my god

jack: Nicky, shhh, its okay

Old Woman: Whats the matter child? Did you kids see something over there????

Josh: Well yeah

Julie: Yeah we did

Jack: Yeah we did, why????

Old woman: well what did you see???

Josh: Well Nicky seen blood dripping from the castle, a girl hanging from a tree and when we ran through the woods it was raining, but it wasn't rain, it was blood, and when we went back to the graves, well, its just crazy

Old woman: What was it???

Josh: It was, umm.... some guy or something, with red eyes

Old woman: Well, I hate to say this to you kids, but that was him, he is going to watch your every move until he gets you, I'm not making any of this up, I've lived here for years and every year this happens

Josh: I'll be right back, I need some air

Old woman: well if you go out there stay on my porch

Josh: umm...alright, Jul, wanna come???

Julie: sure, we'll be back in a minute

Julie and josh walk out onto the porch and stand there looking out into the darkness, they can see the castle in the distance, the lighting is only near castle

Julie: Josh, what if this woman is right?

Josh: Jul, I don't know, maybe shes just full of it

Julie: what if shes not Josh????

Josh walks off the porch, and Julie follows, they walk down to the felid below the womans house, Julie sees something and Josh tells Julie to go back to the house, julie stands next to Josh.

Josh: Jul, get out of here now

Julie: Not without you

Josh: Julie, go now!!!!

Josh turns to look at Julie, and Julie screams, As Josh turns to see what it is, he runs pulling julie with him

Josh: Jul, Run

Julie is screaming "JOSH, WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO???"

Josh: Jul, Just run

Julie: Hes right behind us josh

As they continue to run from the figure, Josh falls and Julie falls behind him, the fall into some sort of hole, when they hit bottom, Julie looks at Josh, he isn't moving, she starts to scream his name, JOSH, JOSH!!!! She starts to cry, finally Josh gets up

Josh: What hapened???

Julie: We fell, I don't know where we are josh, I'm scred

Josh: I have a lighter, hang on

Julie: Josh, hurry. Josh, I think we fell into a water hole or something

Josh: I got it

As Josh Lights his lighter, they see a light ahead, they walk slowly towards the light and see just what the fell into and Julie screams, josh looks around in fright

As Josh and Julie look around, they hear something, The sound is someone walking through water, but in this case, blood

Josh grabs Julie and they walk and find a place to hide, josh looks around to see what is coming, and out of no where, josh got his neck cut open. julie sees this and screams NO JOSH!!!!!!!!! She sees what did this to Josh and screams, it grabs her and cuts her Julie looks at the thing thats cutting her, it then digs his knife into her stomach and rips her.

Meanwhile back at the old womans house Nicky and Jack are waiting for Josh and Julie

Jack: I'm gonna go check on them, be right back

Nicky: Okay, be careful Jack

Old woman: Your friends have been gone a long time, I don't want to scare you but, they might not be coming back

Nicky: What do you mean....not coming back???

old woman: They have been out there a long time and he might of got them, I'm sorry

Nicky: No, I don't think so

Jack runs back into the house

Jack: There gone, I can't see them anywhere

Nicky: WHAT??? OH MY GOD JACK!!!!!

Old woman: I think he got them, I don't mena to scare you all but, you kids did disturb him.

Jack: What is she talking about???

Nicky: She said that they've been out there a long time and he or it could of got them

jack: You mean Killed????

Old woman: I'm affarid so

Jack: No way, Not josh and jul

Nicky: Jack, what if

Jack: Don't think that Nick, don't think that

Jack walks out the door and off the porch, yelling Josh, Julie, where are you guys??????

Nicky: Jack Wait

Jack: Nicky, go back inside

Nicky: No, I want to know what is going on

Jack: I have no idea, this lady seems to know alot, go talk to her nick, she if she tells you anything else, please

Nicky: Jack come back inside, please

Nicky and jack go back up to the door but its closed, Nicky knocks on the door but she wont answer, Nicky yells, HELLO, Please open the door!!!! Still no one answers, Jack looks at nicky

Jack: Nick, I think she doesn't wants us here now that Josh and Jul are missing

Nicky: Jack, look (she points to the window)

Jack: OH NO....Nicky RUN!!!!!!

When they try to run off the porch the door opens slowly and the old womans head rolls out of the door

Nicky screams

As they turn to run off the porch, Josh's body is laying on the steps, the blood is dripping everywhere

Jack grabs Nicky's hand and runs to the side of the porch and Jul's body drops from above, her insides are dropping out of her body.....Julie sees that and screams, they stop and turn around only to see a shadow standing there in front of them, they can't see a face.

Nicky: Who are you and what do you want

Jack: Nicky, don't say anything

The shadow doesn't answer, instead, he pulls his knife out and holds it high above his head, he runs towards them, they turn around and run, jack moves Jul's body and pushes Nicky over the rail, he jumps after her but the shadow stab's Jack in the back. Jack falls over the railing screaming... Nicky screams and helps jack up and they run through the darnkness, finally they reach the car.

Nicky: Jack, lets get in the car

Jack: Nicky, you have to get the keys out of my pocket, I feel like I'm going to pass out

Nicky gets the keys and opens the door and pushes Jack in the car, when she gets in just as shes shuting the door she looked and there was the shadow, he just cut her arm as she shut the door, he stood looking at them, he then scraped his knife around the car.

He then smashed the back window and jumped in the back seat, he grabbed Nicky and Stab's her In the back, she screamed and jack tried to push the shadow off off her, he then stab's jack in the stomach, jack screamed

Nicky kicked the figure in the face he then fell back, she reached for the knife, they fought for a while, he cut her face.....Jack got up in pain, he struggled for the knife and finally got it, he stab's the shadow in the chest, the shadow pulled the knife out of his chest and held it up and swung it at jack, his missed jack, and got nicky in the arm, jack punched him then grabbed the knife and stab the shadow over and over and over until he didn't move

Jack got out of the car and pulled the shadow out of the car, he then got back in the car

Jack: Nicky, are you alright???

Nicky: (sobbing) Jack, why, why did this happen??

Jack: (Pulling nicky close to him) I don't know nick, I don't know

As nicky and jack sit in the car holding each other, Lights in the distance are coming towards them, jack sees the lights and wonders, is this even over???

Nicky: Jack, do you see the lights over there?

jack: Yeah, I don't know what it is though

Nicky locks the doors and as the lights get closer, jack looks and says Nicky, its only the tow truck

The tow truck pulls up and the man walks over to the car and taps on the window

Driver: Are you kids alright??? What happened to you two???

jack: Its a long story and I don't even want to talk about it

Nicky get's out of the car and looks around and noticed the shodow's body is gone

Nicky: Jack, the body is gone

Jack: What do you mean??

Nicky: Jack, where is it??

They both look around in fright

Jack: Nicky, I have no idea but, he wasn't moving at all, I swear I killed him

Nicky: Jack, I'm scared, what if (Jack cuts her off)

Jack: Nicky, lets just get out of here, okay.

Nicky: okay jack, but what about Josh and Julie?

Jack: Nicky, we both know what happened, and we can't do anything now, so lets just get out of here and never come back, okay

Nicky: Your right Jack, lets go

As the sun came up nicky and jack were driving home, not wanting to think about what happend, then jack looks at nicky

Jack: Nicky, should we call the police when we get home???

Nicky: I don't know jack, think about it, would they even believe us??

jack: You've got a point

Nicky: Jack, Lets never talk about this night again ok?

Jack: ok, Although I don't think we'll ever forget this night

Nicky: I know I wont

Nicky leans on jack, their clothes are all covered in blood, jack is sore from the cuts, Nicky is sore and crying on jacks shoulder, neither of them will ever forget this night, nicky hopes that they never have to live through that again.

Back in the castle, the light still flashes, and theres that red eyed figure, they are waiting for the return of Jack and Nicky, this isn't over....Yet

Written By: Ginger 10/28/98

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