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Countdown to Year 2000

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Netscape's Web Page On Y2K
This site has links to US Federal and State government information,
Federal Y2K related legislation, Y2K news
and also a kids' Y2K page.

Millineum Meltdown Clock

Federal Reserve Y2K Page

Bellsouth's Y2K Page

Y2K Supplies

Weekly Newsletter on Y2K Issue
New insights, pointers to helpful
resources and more

Articles on Y2K
Daily articles and preparedness guides and more

Patches, Upgrades and Updates

Year 2000 Main Page

An excellent FAQ on the year 2000

How IT shops are addressing the year 2000 issue
Computerworld's year 2000 links

Bill Cook's alphabetical list of year 2000 links

Royal Greenwich Observatory leaflets on

How IT shops are addressing the year 2000 issue
Computerworld articles about Y2K

Year 2000 newsgroup
A very active and topical newsgroup

Time Miscellany
John Stockton's page contains a list of critical dates apart from the last day in 1999.
It makes interesting reading. See also his dates page
A very active and topical newsgroup

Year 2000 Humour
There is still time for a little light relief

Year 2000 Breaking News
Look at the latest Year 2000 news

George Girod's Year 2000 Bookmarks
You name your year 2000 topic it's here

Year 2000 Bookshop
Wide range of books on the year 2000 issue that can be bought online

The Y2k fun page
Lots of links, many in a more light hearted vein

Y2k T shirts
(from the Y2k fun page) several designs available

University of Kentucky Chandler Medical Center
Compliance lists for software and medical equipment, best practices, and more.

Information by industry, feature stories, message boards etc.

If any of the links dont work, please inform us via e-mail, Thank you *S*

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