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BB Kings - New York, NY
March 13, 2001

Here is Laurel's review of the New York show...


   Well, like most other reviewers of the Van Zant show, I too do not know quite where to begin this review, as it was an overwhelming experience. I think I will skip all the preliminary stuff, and just get right to the show. Since the set list was already commented on before, I will just pick out a few outstanding moments in my mind.

   BB Kings Blues Club is located in the very heart of Times Square. The club itself is literally underground. Van Zant rocked this house so deeply, that it is possible that they sent shock waves and tremors throughout the underground subway system! The house was PACKED for this show, and filled with 90.9 percent Skynyrd/38 fans, as most were walking around with a variety of t-shirts from years past and current.

   The show opened up with a spinning, earth-shattering rendition of Oklahoma. From that moment on, the show went into a non-stop frenzy of action. To hear this road band come together in the amount of time they had to learn it all, is still blowing my mind. I think Michael Carteleone (sp?) nearly banged himself down into a new underground tunnel, and I heard some range of vocals that came out of Bobby Capps that I am still speechless over! LOL. Mojo looked phenomenal in his "rock star" gear and is an exceptional bassist, and Eric Lundgren was exceptional on guitar. They also had this young guitar virtuoso Jeff Flannery that was beyond impressive. I would like to know where he was actually acquired from, if anyone might know. He is really something.

   It was very hard to remove my eyes from Donnie and Johnny, as the emotion they emitted was something special and I will NEVER forget it. I think Liz described it the best in her review of the emotion in Brickyard Road. These brothers are so bonded in their hearts, minds and souls, and it just poured out into their music.

   One of the most powerful numbers they did where I think made the entire club actually shake, was "Call Me the Breeze" MY GODDDDD!!! LOLOL. This was the same case in Wild Eyed Southern Boys as well. The crowd went absolutely ballistic! Their new music was beyond well received, as most people were standing the entire time, singing and screaming along. The stage was kind of small, but Donnie was his usual energetic self, leaping and dancing all over the stage. He prodded Johnny a few times to join him in some antics, which Johnny ("the pole") eventually became just as carefree. You can tell these boys totally enjoyed themselves. One of my very favorite highlights was their rendition of "Down Right and Dangerous" THEY KICKED ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS on this. Johnny even said to Donnie.."Hey Donnie, are you ready to ROCK this F*ing Place! " LOLOL, and ROCK THEY DID! WOWOWOWOIEEEEEEE.

   It was my great pleasure to finally get to meet Tom Soares and his wife Diane. They are truly lovely people. We got to talk a bit before the show started and I looked forward to talking to him some more after the show, but it got a bit chaotic and I had to eventually hit the road. They are one complete class act. I was very grateful to get to talk to Donnie and Johnny for about 10 minutes and they were gracious enough to pose for a picture and sign my CD. I was very much looking forward to also meeting Natalie, but we never connected. I am not quite sure who else was there, but I did meet some lovely people, and actually during the tail end of the show, literally wound up sharing a half of seat with a man named Eddie who was closely up front at one the stage-side tables! Thank you Eddie! Thank you to everyone who was involved in making this show transform from a dream into reality. Your efforts and energy will never be forgotten. God bless you all.


And here are Terry's thoughts...

   Wow!! I just got back from the show and it was truely amazing!!
The energy and passion these guys put into it was incredible. It was also great hearing a .38 song to tie me over till they come to NY in June.

   Thanks Donnie, Johnny and the rest of the band for a night I'll always cherish.


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