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Cosmic Vending Machine

Cosmic Vending Machine, a duo based out of Reading, PA, strives to make original music that is both experimental and accessible, sometimes even in the same song.  Influenced by a wide range of artists including Beck, Radiohead, Olivia Tremor Control, R.E.M., The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Talking Heads, to name a few, CVM attempts to exhibit the integrity, originality and passion of the above artists with their own unique, eclectic style of music.  They refuse to be pigeon-holed into a definitive realm or category of music and do so by dabbling in various genres including including pop, experimental, electronic, space and folk.  Since the group consists of only two members, their roles in the band are constantly changing and evolving.

Their philosophy is fairly simple.  Make cool, original and innovative music (without pretension), music that they themselves would enjoy listening to.  Their only goal is to get their music from their 4-tracks to anybody looking for that cool band nobody's ever heard of.  They want Cosmic Vending Machine to be everybody's favorite secret band.  CVM doesn't plan to fall prey to any trite rock 'n roll clichés, real or imagined.  You won't be seeing them performing live every weekend (or possibly ever) in local pubs, nor will you hear them talking about truing to make it big.  They don't plan on being part of a scene, local or otherwise.

Their goal is to be heard ...not seen.

Check out music by Cosmic Vending Machine available exclusively through The Upper Crust.

Visit CVM's official headquarters

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