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You Have Landed on Planet Ass

Welcome to the new, improved
Planet Ass Web Site Extravaganza!
Last updated on 7/17/03

Check out the "Planet Ass" link below for BRAND NEW mp3 excerpts!!!
I've just added three new excerpts from the new Pure Ffej  album!

Having recently lost my previous (free) server,
I've decided to consolidate my Upper Crust and Planet Ass
web sites into one convenient, multi-purpose site!
Planet Ass, an ever expanding and evolving entity, will still include
Ffej's Footwear Universe, which recently received a facelift,
personal information, and links, but will benefit from
the addition of The Upper Crust community of recording artists,
which includes a bevy of Ffej-related projects,
such as Planet Ass, Cosmic Vending Machine, Blather's Kite and more.
The links section alone has been multiplied to the "n"th degree!
So have a looksie, and don't forget to sign the guestbook
or drop an e-mail with any comments or questions
you may have as you navigate through the Planet Ass universe.

Here's what you'll find on Planet Ass...