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Merchandise Order Form
Print out form on your computer and fill in your order.
Please send completed order form with payment (personal check or
U.S. money order made payable to J. Herb or well-concealed cash) to:
The Upper Crust
P.O. Box ????
West Lawn, PA ?????
All prices INCLUDE postage!
Please Print Clearly and Legibly


Quantity        Item Number        Description/Item                                Price

________           _____________          ___________________________________     ____________

________           _____________          ___________________________________     ____________

________           _____________          ___________________________________     ____________

________           _____________          ___________________________________     ____________

________           _____________          ___________________________________     ____________

________           _____________          ___________________________________     ____________

________           _____________          ___________________________________     ____________

                                                                                                                    Total  ____________

Thanks for your order!