I am a 40 year old white American female. I have short auburn hair and hazel eyes (brown/green/golden flecks) and I am 5'3". Family mostly of German descent. I am a Penn State University graduate. My dad's name is Bill and my mom is Beverly Jean so they named me "Billi Jean". I have two sisters Penny, has a daughter Jennica; and Crystal has a daughter Kaylee, and a son Kyle. I have worked in home health care pretty much since high school graduation, currently I'm a CRRN, Nursing Supervisor, working for Health South Rehab Hospital in Altoona, PA.
Novemeber 23, 2007 My daughter Emma Jean was born!! She is the light of my life. She is the reason I work so hard. I'm a single mother and I don't get out much. When I do, I go wherever Emily's ToyBox is playing. I have faith that there is a Mr. Right somewhere out there for me, he just hasn't made his presence known. I'm currently working hard to improve myself and my life. It consists of a five step plan. 1. Operation freedom: Rid my home and my life of negative influences. (Complete) 2. Operation Emma Jean Manberger: Change my daughter's name to Mansberger and obtain full legal custody in case of my death. In Progress) 3. Operation ok to Die: Have my last will and testament completed. Assuring that my daughter will not be tossed into an unknown lifestyle. 4. Operation death prevention: Loss weight & Excercise, become healthy and happy. (In progress) 5. Operation get me some love'n: Find a man who loves me and my daughter. One who will be my equal and not one who just wants me to take care of him. We can take care of eachother.
Spending time with family and friends. Watching movies and snuggling on the couch. I love swimming, hiking, target shooting and camping. I also like staying in motels and I love long road trips. I normally wear jeans, t-shirts, sweat shirts, & cut-off shorts, dressing up would be under dislikes.
Losing my first baby. Giving birth to 10 KIDNEY STONES. "SLOW POKE DRIVERS" which are usually old men in ball caps, ignorance, laziness, RACISM, ABUSE in any form, road construction, and dressing up.
I completely lack patience (exceptions being for children and sick people), I swear, I'm very anal retentive (everything has a place and it better be in it), I hate when people talk during a movie or tv show, I hate people ignoring me and when people tell me they will do something but then they don't do it.
Do the best job I can at being a MOM. Emma is my LIFE.
Actor = Sean Connery & Adam Sandler & Tom Hanks
Band/Music = Emily's ToyBox, Tim McGraw, Eminem.
Beer = Coors Light
Beverage = Black coffee
Broadway Actor = Davis Gaines
Broadway Show = Phantom of the Opera
College football team = Penn State
Color = Green
Food cooked by MOM = Beef Pot-roast (with potatoes, carrots & onions)
Food to eat in = Chinese beef w/brocolli
Food to eat out = Steak
Mixed Drink = Long Island Iced Tea
Movie = anything w/ Adam Sandler, The Hangover, Phantom of the Opera, "8 Mile"
Music = Rock
Pro football team = Pittsburgh Steelers
Rapper= Marshall Mathers (aka Eminem)
Shot of Liquor = Cherry Bomb
Soda = Diet Cherry Pepsi
What I couldn't live without = Emma Jean, My Family & friends
Thing to do = Anything that is done outdoors
TV show = NCIS, Paranormal State, Big Bang Theory, Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters.
Vegetable = Brocolli
Vehicle = 1963 Chevy Impala SS