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Vast Energy USA

Rage In Reading

Zero Gravity 2002

Legacy Cup 2002

Xtreme Intentions

Big Impact

Lockdown In Pottstown

The Last Stampede

1st Year Anniversary



Pottstown, PA: May 5, 2002

Divine Storm (Chris Divine & Quiet Storm) defeated "Tornado" Tony Kozina & Chris Kole when Quiet Storm hit the devastating Storm Cradle Driver on Kole.

"Platinum" Mike Preston defeated Biggie Biggs.

Billy Bax defeated Stryker when he blocked a Majistral cradle attempt.

Steve Corino, fresh off a brutal tour of Zero-One in Japan, relinquished the title to PWF President Rob Dimension, due to the fact that he could physically not defend. Guillotine LeGrande and Jack Victory were not happy that he would abandon a title they felt they helped him win, and they proceeded to use the samurai sword Corino carries to bloody his face. No one emerged from the back to help Corino, as he had burned all bridges, or so we thought.

In a 3 Way elimination match, "Doomsday" Danny Rose used the Death Valley Driver, pinning Rockin Rebel, who had previously pinned Rose's former Rachie teammate Adam Flash.

Joey Matthews and Christian York defeated The Damned with a doubleteam Burning Hammer.

In a Strong Style match, "High Profile" Dylan Night w/Candi defeated Chris Hero with a series of rolling "Good Night" piledrivers.

The SAT won the PWF Universal tag team titles by defeating the team of Jack Victory and Guillotine LeGrande. Afterwords they were confronted by York and Matthews, who demanded and were granted a best-of-three falls match with the champions on June 9th.

The Amazing Red w/Allison Danger defeated Billy Bax's "hired help" Big Slam with a missile dropkick. Bax, enraged at Slam, confronted him and received three chokeslams for his efforts. Meanwhile, out of nowhere, Jay Briscoe hit the ring and assaulted Red in what turned into a PWF Junior Heavyweight title match. This match was action packed, and it appeared that Briscoe would win when he hit the J-Driller, but Red somehow made it to the ropes to break the count. Red hit a Red Star Press off the second turnbuckle, along with a high impact top-rope sunset flip that saw Briscoe land directly on his head. Red took home a hard-fought victory with a legsweep/Red Star Press combo.

Rob Dimension announced that the planned "surprise" would not occur, as there were circumstances beyond his control. He made the following match between C.W. Anderson and Chris Hamrick a PWF Universal Title match. Anderson took home the victory using his patented spinebuster, but was immediately attacked by Legrande and Victory. Steve Corino hit the ring with a steel chair to save the day, and was joined by Hamrick and Dylan Night. It looked like Anderson, Corino, Hamrick, and Night were all on the same page, but then they started brawling. Corino stated that he and Anderson were reforming the XTreme Hrsemen in the PWF.

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