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Tanya's Brent Surname relations

Welcome to my Brent Homepage!!!

I am just putting in my direct links right now; I will be back soon with the sibling information that I do have. (7-10-99)

Generation #1

Robert Brent
d. 1531
+ Margaret Colchester
b. ?
d. ?

Generation #2

(...Robert Brent)

Nicholas Brent
b. abt 1510 in Stow, Gloucester, England
d. 11 February 1581/82 in Glouster, England
+ Elizabeth ? abt. 1563
b. abt 1545 in Gloucester, England
d. ?

Generation #3

(...Nicholas Brent; Robert Brent)

William Brent
b. abt 1565 in Gloucester, England
d. ?
+ ??

Generation #4

(...William Brent; Nicholas Brent; Robert Brent)

Mary Brent
b. 1584 in Glocester, England
d. ? in VA
+ Thomas Pearsall in London, England
b. ? in London, England
d. 1642 in VA

Hope this helps someone....please sign my guestbook on my main genealogy page....especially if you can help me or I you in any way!!!
