I am new at this webpage stuff, so please bear with me and feel free to email me with any suggestions.
I am at the present time staying at home with my children and working on my family history. I am going to attempt a family page...hope it is understandable! I also plan on putting links, any information I have received from anyone else and other possible contacts on the bottom of each related surnames page. Good luck on your quest!
Allen, Altmeyer, Ashley, Bathurst, Boothe, Brent, Brown, Cain, Chapman, Clemens, Colchester, Collins, Crowe, Decker, DeWeese, Donovan, Foulke, Funk, Inskler, Ivins, Jones, Keeling, Kerns, Leach, Muse, Pastoria, Pearsall, Rader, Randolph, Schertzinger, Sim(m)s, Stewart, Thorn(e), VanDamn, Westfall, and White.
Thankyou all for visiting my family history website..... hope to see you again soon!!!
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