Spirit Mystery's Spiritual Palace

Mystical Alphabet - B

A traditional fire lit outdoors during Yule, Beltane, and Litha.

A Wiccan sabbat held between spring and the onset of summer, Southern Hemisphere between October 31st and November 1st - Northern Hemisphere between April 30th and May 1st.

A bundle of twigs attached to a handle used to cleanse and purify sacred space. Essentially a witch's broomstick.

Using magick to restrain someone or something, or to 'bind' them to you.

Blessed Be
A term derived from the ritual of the Five-fold Kiss, it is simple a blessing commonly used by wiccans and pagans as a greeting or a goodbye. Abbreviated as BB or B*B.

Blood of the Moon
A woman's mentrual cycle, considered important and a crucial time for magick to be performed, especially when it crosses the new or full moon.

Bolline; Boleen
A white handled knife used in rituals for carving and cutting magickal symbols into ritual objects.

Book of Shadows
A term coined by Aleister Crowley for a book of rituals, recipes, journal entries, laws/rules, and other documents important to a witch or coven. Each Book of Shadows is different as the individual decides what is necessary for their book.

Broom Closet
Not meant literally, this is a term used to describe someone who is "in the broom closet", or in other words, who is not public with their pagan practices.

Burning Times
This is a word used to describe the execution of the witches during their persecution from the Middle Ages onwards. Most executions were in fact by hanging, not burning. While it is claimed that thousands and even millions were killed, a small fraction were actually witches. Many were herectics or Christians accused of witchcraft by those who disliked them.