The Moon is the ruler of tides and cycles, of growth and reproduction. The moon especially governs the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. She is associated closely with the sea, for it responds most visibly to her changing phases. But there are also tides of earth, air, fire and also the secret tides in our bodies. Plants and animals likewise respond to her, and the wise one therefore plants, harvests, and breeds his stock according to her sign and phase. The moon is queen over the powers of vision and magick. She rules dreams and the night. All this and more is the Moon.
The Moon is the celestial body of the Goddess, representing the astral body of which the Earth is the physical counterpart. The "astral body" is the subtle aspect of something, the system of forces and stresses that determine the corporeal form. The astral plane is the realm of magic, the setting of dreams, visions, astral projections, and the plane which one must affect in order to work magick. The astral plane can also include the unconscious mind.
Think long and hard about this, and understand it. Words tend to fall short when describing the relationship of the two -- astral and physical.
The Moon goes through a complet lunation of four phases approximately every 29 1/2 days. She completes a cycle through all twelve signs of the zodiac in about 27 1/2 days. Get a calendar or almanac which gives the position and phase of the Moon for each day. Try not to use the "Farmer's Almanac", though -- it's calculations are sidereal (actual constellation) rather than astrological. Llewellyn has a great resource each year called the "Moon Sign Book" that will give you astrological positioning.
(Just to explain, as a sidenote: The zodiac has shifted. Every 2000 years, the sign the sun enters on the Vernal Equinox is pushed back one sign. At about 2000BCE, when astrology was being perfected, the sun entered Aries on the equinox. 2000 years later, it entered Pisces on that date. Now it enters Aquarius near the beginning of spring, hence the "Age of Aquarius". In astrology, however, it's still called Aries, and uses the old positions, which is more accurate.)
Each lunation begins with the New Moon, or dark of the moon. One cannot see the Moon, not only because it isn't reflecting any of the sun's light at this time, but also because it rises and sets with the Sun. If the two luminaries are lined up properly, we see an eclipse of the sun at this phase. Eclipses of the Sun and Moon always come in pairs (and sometimes in triplets) two weeks apart. An eclipse of the Sun implies a lunar eclipse two weeks before or after, during the Full Moon.
Not all eclipses are visible from any one point on earth, though. One should pay attention (via your calendar) to eclipses, as they are times when one must be extra careful performing any magic or divination. Forces are changed, blocked, or short-circuited, and it's best to refrain from heavy magick on those days.
For about two weeks following the new moon, the moon is waxing, or increasing. This is the time of light, a period for starting new projects, doing all positive magick, divination, etc. When the moon waxes, it begins as a crescent moon with the horns facing left. It rises and sets approximately one hour later every day. New moons rise at sunrise. It waxes through the first quarter to a half-moon (beginning of the second quarter), which rises at noon, sets at midnight. Then it grows further until the increase culminates in a Full Moon.
The full moon always rises at sunset. Consideration of the astronomy of moon phases explains why this is so. The moon is full when it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. Therefore, as the sun sets, the full moon rises, and it shines in the sky all night long until sunrise the next morning, when it sets. This begins the third quarter, and the waning half of the lunation. Lunar eclipses only happen when the moon is full. At full moon and new moon the tides and the moon forces are strongest. Therefore, new and full moons are the best times for working magick. They are also slightly heavy, crazy times. By being aware and prepared, you will be less subject to the extremes of emotion which affect others at this time. Or you can use the extremes to power your rituals.
As the moon wanes, it grows smaller through the third and fourth quarters until it reaches a waning crescent and finally a new moon again. It continues to rise and set about an hour later each day, so that the waning half-moon rises at midnight and sets at noon. During the waning of the moon, witches rest, study, meditate, and otherwise turn inwards. This is also the time of negative magick and curses. Rituals for protection, exorcism, and the return of hexes are therefore in order now.
Pay attention to the phases of the Moon. Study the foregoing discussion and consult your calendar frequently so that any time you know what phase and part of the sky the moon is in. Where and when would you expect to see the first moon visible in the night sky after the new moon?
Answer. Just above the western horizon just after sunset.
Practice this little exercise: now and then, whenever you think of it, stop and predict to yourself where the Moon is and what it looks like. Then go outside and see if you are right. Also note how your mood or psychic sensitivity changes with the moon. If you are a woman, begin recording the dates of your periods (or "moons"). Note how they correspond to the moon's phases. Most people find that they are most receptive to extrasensory experiences when the moon is full, and women become very sensitive just before and during their periods.
Try to occasionally go out under the night sky when the moon is out -- gaze at her, meditate on her, bathe in her light. It was once believed that sleeping under the full moon made one mad. There is some truth in that, since the light of the moon stimulates the unconscious mind. She is therefore the giver of visions and hidden knowledge. Spend time under her and invoke her and she will reward you.
There are more subtle aspects and effects that the moon produces depending on which astrological sign she's in. I'll get into that in a later lesson.