ACHLYOS- God of misery
AEOLUS- see Winds
AETHER- God of light
AGLAIA- see Graces
AIDOS- God of reverence and shame
ALECTO- see Erinnyes
ALGEA- Goddess of sorrow
AMPHILLOGEA- Goddess of dispute
ANDROCTASIA- Goddess of manslaughter
ANTEROS- God of slighted love
APATE- Goddess of deceit
APHRODITE (Venus)- Goddess of love, beauty, charm, and friendship. Also
the goddess of waves
APOLLO (Phoebus)- God of archery, prophecy, music, medicine, truth, and
the sun
ARES (Mars)- God of war, military power, and glory
ARTEMIS (Diana)- Goddess of the moon, the hunt, chastity, and fertility
ASCLEPIUS- God of healing and medicine
ATE- Goddess of rashness
ATHENA (Minerva, Pallas)- Goddess of wisdom, the arts, and war
ATROPOS- see Fates
BIA- God of violence
BOREAS- see Winds
CALLIOPE- see Muses
CER- Goddess of fate
CLIO- see Muses
CLOTHO- see Fates
CRATOS- God of force
DEIMOS- God of rout
DEMETER (Ceres)- Goddess of grain, vegetation, agriculture, and
DIKE- see Hours
DIONYSIS (Bacchus)- God of wine
DRYADS- Tree nymphs
DYSNOMIA- Goddess of lawlessness
EIRENE- see Hours
ELEOS- God of pity
ELPIS- Goddess of hope
ENYO- Murderous goddess of war
EOS- (Aurora)- Goddess of the dawn
ERATO- see Muses
ERINNYES- (Furies, Eumenides)
ERIS- Goddess of discord
EROS (Cupid)- God of love and desire
EUMENIDES- see Erinnyes
EUNOMIA- see Hours
EUPHRAISIA- Goddess of mirth
EUPHROSYNE- see Graces
EURUS- see Winds
EUTERPE- see Muses
CLOTHO- Spinner of Fortunes
LACHESIS- Distributor/Weaver of Fortunes
TROPOS- Inflexible (She cuts the thread ending life)
FURIES- see Erinnyes
GAEA- She is the Goddess of the Earth, sort of the "Earth's Essence"
sometimes the Earth itself
GANYMEDE- Male cup bearer to the gods
GERAS- God of age
GLAUCUS- Sea god
AGLAIA- Splendor
THALIA- Good cheer
HADES (Pluto)- God of the underworld
HEBE- Goddess of youth
HECATE- Goddess of witchcraft
HEMERA - Goddess of day.
HEPHAESTUS (Vulcan or Mulciber)- God of fire, workman, armor, and
HERA (Juno)- Goddess of marriage, the home, and childbirth.
HERMES (Mercury)- God of commerce, wrestling, gymnastics, thieving,
luck, wealth, sleep, dreams. herald of the gods.
HESPERIDES- Goddesses which guard the golden apples; daughters of
HESTIA (Vesta)- Goddess of the hearth, family, and peace.
HIMEROS- God of longing and desire.
HORAE- see Hours.
HORCOS- God of oath.
HOURS (Horae)-
DIKE- Goddess of human justice.
EUNIMIA- Goddess of good order.
EIRENE- Goddess of peace.
HYBRIS- Goddess of pride.
HYMEN- God of marriage.
HYPNOS (Morpheus) - God of sleep.
IRIS - Goddess of the rainbow.
LACHESIS - see Fates.
LEDA - Mother of Castor and Pollux.
LETO - Mother of Apollo and Artemis.
LETHE - Goddess of forgetfulness.
LEUCOTHEA - Sea goddess.
LIMOS - God of famine.
MACHE - God of battle.
MANIA - Goddess of madness.
MEGAERA - see Erinnyes.
MELPOMENE - see Muses.
METIS - Goddess of prudence
MNEMOSYNE - Goddess of memory.
MOMUS - God of laughter
MUSES- 9 sisters, each who specialized in a special art form.
CALLIOPE- Epic poetry.
CLIO- History.
EUTERPE- Lyric poetry. Melpomene- Tragedy. Terpischore- Choral dance
Erato- Love poetry.
POLYHYMNIA- Sacred poetry. Urania- Astronomy. Thalia- Comedy. Naiads -
Nymphs of brooks and fountains.
NEICEA - Goddess of quarrel.
NEMESIS (Adrasteia) - Goddess of revenge.
NEREIDS - Sea nymphs.
NEREUS - Trustworthy and gentle god, always told the truth, kind god of
the sea.
NIKE - Goddess of victory.
NOTUS - see Winds.
NYX - God of night.
OCEAN - A Titan of the sea.
OIZYUS - God of woe.
ONEIROS - God of dreams.
OREADS - Nymphs of mountains and grottos.
PALAEMON - Sea god.
PAN - God of flocks and shepherds.
PEITHO - Goddess of persuasion.
PERSEPHONE (Proserpine) - Goddess of the underworld.
PHILOTES - God of friendship.
PHOBOS - God of panic.
PHONOS - God of murder.
PLUTUS - God of wealth.
POLYHYMNIA - see Muses.
PONOUS - God of toil.
PONTUS - God of the deep sea.
POSEIDON (Neptune) - God of water, rain, fertility, and horses.
PROTEUS - Prophet and shapeshifter.
PSEUDEA - Goddess of lying.
SELENE (Luna) - Goddess of the moon.
SEMELE - Mother of Dionysus.
SOPHROSYNE - Goddess of discretion.
TE - Goddess of ruin.
TERISCHORE - see Muses.
THALIA - see Muses see Graces.
THANATOS - God of death.
THEMIS - Goddess of divine justice and right.
TISIPHONE - see Erinnyes.
TRITON - Herald of the sea.
TYCHE - Goddess of fortune.
URANIA - see Muses.
USMINE - God of fighting.
AEOLUS- Keeper of the winds.
BOREAS- North wind.
NOTUS- South wind.
EURUS- East wind.
ZEPHYR- West wind.
ZEPHYR- see Winds.
ZEUS (Jupiter) - God of the sky, rain, thunder, and lightning.