* Wood framed drying screen ~ this can be an old window screen, or you could make one using a wooden frame and hardware cloth * A tub or sink large enough for you to lay your screen flat * Blender * Assorted paper ~ tissue paper and papers with out hard colored inks will work * Flowers, herbs, or leaves form your garden ~ they can be fresh or dried from a frost * Dish towel * Sponge * Blotter paper ~ you can use large brown paper grocery bags for this. Cut them open along one seem and cut the bottom off. You can use the scraps in future paper projects. * Rolling pin * Gelatin ~ this step is optional
Place the screen in your container. Hold it down and fill half full with water. Fill your blender 2/3 full with tepid water. Tear your paper into small pieces, place in the blender and stir. You will need to let the paper sit in the water for a minute to absorb some of the water. Blend the paper on high for 10 seconds. Add the plant material and pulse on high after each addition. This can be done fairly rapidly.
Hold the screen down below the surface of the water and pour the pulp evenly over the surface. If you are using a large screen you may need several blenders full of pulp. If this is the case blend your pulp and pour it into a large bowl. When you think you have enough pulp to cover the screen then you can hold the screen down and begin pouring it over the surface of the screen.
Gently swirl the pulp around until it is evenly distributed. Using both hands lift the screen straight up, allowing it to drip over your tub for several minutes. Place the screen on the dishtowel, and gently press out the water with a damp sponge.
Place a large sheet of blotting paper over the herbal paper and flip it over. Using the damp sponge to gently press out more water. Turn the paper over onto a dry sheet of blotting paper and remove excess water with a rolling pin.
Repeat this with dry blotting paper several times.
Gently lift the herbal paper and set out to dry in a warm place.
To use the herbal papers for writing dip the dry sheets into a solution of gelatin. Combine 1 Tbs. Of gelatin with a 1/ 2 cup hot water, stir until dissolved. Dilute with 3 cups cold water. Set aside to dry then write a letter on your beautiful handmade herbal paper.
*Note~ it is possible to write on the paper without the gelatin wash but you will get different effects. Try writing on a piece with both finishing treatments and see which one suits your needs.