Moonbeam Magick
(charging of talismans & amulets)
This is a very old and simple technique for spell casting. Using the Full Moon, consider the zodiac sign it occupies:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - for works of love & friendship.
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - For works of an astral nature.
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - Consciousness and mental powers.
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - subconscious and psychic matters.
GO out beneath the full Moon, between 9pm and midnight. Take a small round mirror and place it on the palm of your hand. Set the object to be charged upon the mirror, and hold it out at about eye level as you face the moon. Looking toward the Moon, squint your eyes until it appears that you can see three beams emanating from the Moon; don't squint so hard that you perceive another set of beams on top of the Moon. With your right hand, throw three kisses to each aspect of the Goddess, saying:
"Three for the Maiden XXX, three for the Crone XXX, three for the Mother XXX, for the light they have shown".
Now simply and briefly state your purpose or desire. You may create a rhyme for this spell if you wish. Concentrate upon the bottom beams and squint slightly more so that these beams expand downwards. Do this so that the descending middle beam appears to touch the charm upon the mirror, and say:
"O Great Goddess Moon, send me Your Light,
Fire of Ether burn clear and bright.
Let spirits fly swiftly,
Your magick bind fast.
Until my spell is done at last!
O Queen of the Heavens
Consort of the Sun
In the name of thy Goddess
So now be it done!"
As you finish the last verse, saying 'done', quickly close your eyes and cover the charm with your right hand. Give thanks to the Moon, and go into a dark room so that you can wrap the charm in a dark cloth until you need it. Do not let direct sunlight fall on it if you can help it. If you carry the charm on yourself, make sure it is hidden. Should you encounter the person or situation etc. for which the spell was cast, then touch the charm and say (quietly of course!):
"Three for the Maiden, three for the Crone, three for the Mother - whose target is shown". Look at the 'target' while saying it.
When the next Full Moon appears, you must go out beneath Her again, with your charm and your mirror. Stand with your back to the Moon, and hold the charm against the mirror with your thumbs. Manipulate the mirror so that the Moon appears in it. When you see Her, say:
"Three for the Maiden, three for the Crone, three for the Mother - return again home".
With this, fling your arms up and back so that the charm is flung up toward the Moon. Leave the area without looking back. (If you want the physical object back, then look for it AFTER the sun has risen).
Be careful, this spell works quite well. Remember the Laws of Three: "That which you do, shall return to you threefold". Don't misuse it because it will come back: "Three from the Maiden, three from the Crone, three from the Mother, if evil has been shown".
You've been warned.